core curriculum of an undecided freshman

<p>Hi people :)
I've paid my deposit on the last few days to UM and I'm now officially a Miami hurricane, yay:)</p>

<p>But then, I'm not quite sure about what I should study.
After seeing the course choices and the 1st year business core curriculum, I strongly feel like business is not my stuff and I wanna change from the Business school to the College of Arts and Science, probably to be an undecided arts and science/ International Studies major.
The problems are:
Is it possible to do so now?
Does anybody have any idea about how the core curriculum of an undecided arts and science major/IS major is like? (I don't have access through the choices of the other schools on my myUM page)
My math is pretty weak, so preferably the less math the better.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>My DS started in the Arts and Science school, as an undecided and did the switch to Business this year as a sophomore. First of all switching is easy and can be done by speaking to the advisor in the Business school who will tell you who to talk to in the school of Arts and Sciences…perhaps you can do it this summer, but I would call and find out.
My DS took English, Chemistry and Lab, Calc and Lab, Psychology, and Spanish his first semester as a freshman in Arts and Sciences, his 2nd semester was similar minus Psych and added another required course. They were core required courses and he got them out of the way, although he still has a few more. (I believe there are also different levels of math that you can start at which can be determined by your test scores or from a test given during orientation) </p>

<p>I think there is a place on the regular UM site to see the core for every school…do a search and I think it is easily found.
Perhaps Rankin can chime in here…</p>

<p>Congratulations! Welcome to the U! I agree with DinDune that it’s really easy to change majors and schools (though there are rare exceptions, depending on the change you’re trying to make). If you want to change now, you should give the admissions office a call and they’ll tell you what to do. I’m not sure if it’s possible to do now, but it can’t hurt to try.</p>

<p>Go into MyUM, click on Student, then, Academics, then, in the right sidebar, Degree Major Exploration. Then you can select the school that you’re considering and the major/minor combo you’re considering, and it will give you all the courses, including general education requirements, that you’ll need to take to complete that major. You can also google “<major name=”“> degree requirements” and you’ll usually get something with the requirements for the given major.</major></p>

<p>There are no “requirements” for an undecided major, because you have to declare a major eventually, but generally speaking your advisor will try to get you classes in a wide variety of fields or, if you’re on some sort of track (like pre-med or pre-law), classes in the field which are required or recommended for that track.</p>

<p>You can find the requirements for the IS major at [Department</a> of International Studies](<a href=“Home | Department of International Studies | University of Miami”>Home | Department of International Studies | University of Miami)</p>

<p>Keep in mind you’ll also be required to select a minor, according to the CA&S general education requirements.</p>

<p>Just email or mail a letter to the business or AS school asking them to switch your major. it shouldn’t be a problem. </p>

<p>Requirements for AS:</p>

<p>ENG105 and 106
9 Credits in science for a BA (not sure about BS)
A math class (depends on your major)
5 Writing classes
200-level foreign language class (if you can’t get right into a 200 level, you need to take 101, 102/105, and then 201 or whatever)
12 Social science credits
1 art class
1 literature class
1 religion or phiosophy class
another religion, philosophy, or literature class</p>

<p>There might be more requirements, but these are what I remember for the core.</p>