Cornell financial aid, January 1st?!?!?

<p>Was the CSS Profile due to Cornell by January 1st? Or is that some sort of typo? its says jan 1st online</p>

<p>yea, it was, but if you turn it in now, you will still get aid, it just might be a little late.</p>

<p>Jan 1st for priority consideration. It also says that “all applications recieved after Jan 1st will still be considered for all appropriate aid”.</p>

<p>Just send it. Financial aid office doesn’t follow its own deadline anyway. lol</p>

<p>I can’t seem to find the Cornell 2009 Freshman Financial Aid Application. Do I have to log in to fill this out?</p>

<p>here you go:</p>

<p>[2009-2010</a> Forms](<a href=“]2009-2010”>Forms | Financial Aid)</p>