Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

It’s just on the website; anyone can access it. Don’t even need to go through portal.

Which, of course, indicates that there’s no meaning to it.

Unless someone is seeing admitted student events…



Isn’t this just public website that can be accessed without even logging in?


no there was no aid option…
no idoc request either but like idoc makes no sense. i had harvard request my idoc and I didn’t end up applying

Ah okay thank you! I was worried about establishing a pattern between idoc request and the admissions decision lol

Guys seriously enough with the connecting of dots and portal astrology predictions. It only 1 day till decisions let’s just keep our composure and take a breath till then. Please.

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Does anyone have a withdraw button? I don’t remember ever having one but I might just not be seeing it

I know we are all anxious to find early indicators but predictions like these are quite necessary and I think they just add to the anxiety that is already present


No we don’t they removed it in preparation for tomorrow

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Okay thx was just wondering bc i have it still for some schools but not others and I heard that for some schools not having it meant rejection

Between now and till release, there are going to be numerous “changes” to your portal just know that it doesn’t mean anything and that they are preparing for us to check our decisions


No problem, I’m glad I could help :grin::+1:t5:

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Ahh, the portal is so bare now!!

Ohhh portal, what say you?? :upside_down_face:

“ ‘All right,’ said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.”


checklist is gone lol

My daughter’s checklist is still there…

Mine too

my checklist is gone

Is there still the option to withdraw?