Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

They definitely seem to be more informative than evaluative, however, Cornell’s common dataset does say that interviews are “considered”. I don’t know if this is simply for Fine Arts and Urban and Regional Studies or if this applies to all interviews.

Only AAP students have evaluative interviews.

Still waiting for regular decision

That won’t come out until Ivy Day, which is March 31st this year.

Is Cornell releasing on Ivy Day this year? The Cornell website states admission decisions and financial aid awards will be announced in early April. I thought I read elsewhere that Cornell did not release on Ivy Day last year (or is not participating this year) - but that could have been speculation/unconfirmed.

All Ivies will release regular decisions on the same date (and usually around the same time) because they are all signatories of the “Joint Statement for Candidates on Common Ivy League Admission Procedure”


Cornell always releases decisions in Ivy Day. The 8 ivies have an agreement to all release at the same time. Ivy League Agreement | Dartmouth Admissions

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Thanks for confirming. It will be a big day!

yep! Preparing for rejection after rejection.


Oh no! I hope you are very pleasantly surprised by what’s to come. :crossed_fingers: :pray:
Putting out some good juju for you!


Is 3/31 certain?

Cornell’s website still says early April.

Yes, that is why I am wondering about this 3/31 date. I did a little digging and it looks like a few Ivys have 3/31 listed as their RD date and that might be why.

Supposedly several ivies listed 3/31 as their RD decision date in REA/ED deferral letters


Hello @Classof2026mom . I agree with @TeslaWhite that asking for Financial Aid documents may be a good sign.

Two of my children are now in college (one in Cornell) and the universities that made specific (not generic or mass emails) requests and asked for concrete explanations about financial aid documents (before notifying decisions), later admitted them. One of those was Cornell. (A generic or automated message about an incomplete file may be different, however.)

Adding my opinion: it would make no sense for the financial aid office to make specific reviews of files and analysis of resources, when a student has ot been at least vetted by admissions. That would be inefficient.

And if you’re an under represented minority, you may get a likely letter from the minority recruitment team around mid March.

Good luck ! Cornell is great, go Big Red.

That’s what I think. The aid office and I had a lengthy email exchange about documents I did not know we needed. They explained what I needed and emailed when they received the document.

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For what it is worth I thought that day was the “worst day of my life.” And 30 years later - not so much. (Eventually got into Cornell from the wait list) I know its hard for kids to get that.

So, that brings to mind a good question. What if you haven’t heard from any financial aid offices, but while checking to make sure nobody is missing anything you see that some financial aid offices refreshed their files within the last couple weeks and others did not? That is to say, some have the original download date which may have been in November or December or early January, but others have a download date this week or last week or a couple weeks ago, or they may have downloaded a new file (that was actually only requested by one school, but whatever, all’s fair game on IDOC). Do you think there is any significance to that?

Parachuting into this thread, as we have a D applying RD and a current freshman at Cornell who received his good news on Ivy Day last year. Opened Cornell first, as it was the only one he didn’t visit and couldn’t see himself attending. But the curriculum fit his desired study path in math and science and his GC urged him to “just submit, and if you get accepted drive up and visit.”

Whirlwind. Students spend months and sometimes years envisioning what their college experience will look like and then, poof, it changes unexpectedly at the last second. He dreamed of tailgates and big football games, accessible local urban environment, maybe even short in the winter. He gained acceptance to Cornell and I might even say he begrudgingly made his way to campus for a visit because it was “an Ivy”. Yes, it was a 65* sunny day, but it was somewhat dead due to Covid restrictions. He was quiet, and we thought he was simply going through the motions. But he was envisioning his life over the next four years. We get into the car…no comments. After thirty minutes or so of him on his phone (we thought he was playing games or texting, but he was researching things he saw), he announces when move in day is likely to be based on the posted calendar. Says he’s on the page to accept his spot, and just wants to confirm we’re ok with it before he hits send.

The next month will be a roller coaster for us all. Good luck to everyone. Some will have the experience above, others will have a different path. I simply hope everyone’s kid comes to peace and is happy with where they’re headed come fall.


Concerning financial aid, does anyone know what initiated means on the FA checklist? We uploaded all requested documents to IDOC back in October. My son emailed FA and asked if initiated means they have the docs but he received an automated reply telling him to check the checklist which still says initiated.

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