Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

So… I can’t see anything in Cornell FA anymore, but I recall after submitting FA to Cornell, for a couple weeks it said initiated or maybe one form said initiated and one said received. Can’t recall exactly. After like two weeks I realized (I think) on the left column I could click on it, and it brought up information. Which if I recall told me they wanted more information on one of the forms. (I think a signature on tax forms that I have submitted to the federal government electronically for like 20 years without actual signatures). So I called, the FA office - they were very friendly. But this was in January, thus I am struggling to remember details.


Hi, so did you have to submit something with physical signature?
I have two docs in “initiated” and the worksheet is in “received”.

Yes - i called and they needed a signature. So, I submitted it in IDOC. For weeks it never showed that IDOC processed it (I stopped checking), because the next day the form was listed as received by Cornell and a couple days later the page was blank. But I did notice a couple other schools now have that form I uploaded for Cornell (I put the word “signed” in the file name). So, I don’t know why IDOC never moved it from the unprocessed list to the processed list.

Calling is an excellent idea. thank you

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Thanks for your help. I’m going to give them a call.

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We were also asked for a physical signature (we also just submit online, so haven’t signed one for years). Seemed promising to me, but who knows?!

Where do you see the download dates?

On most schools - on the financial aid tab you can see the date they downloaded the files. With Cornell, I haven’t really found a way to check once they download the files. Once they have what they want, it’s just a blank page that says, “No current to do information found”. But at least you know they have it. Which is better than a couple other Ivies (and some other schools) that give you zero ability to check that they have your financial aid paperwork.

Oh yes. The schools my daughter applied to don’t have an option to view whether the school downloaded the files.

Yes … my daughter was contacted by an alum for an interview about 6 weeks ago (I think). She’s applying to CAS.

I just noticed one of our documents requires a signature as well.

Son applied RD (Nolan SHA), and received acceptance letter March2 which stated "To reserve a place in the class, we ask that you complete and submit your online Enrollment Response Form that will be linked to the decision notification you will receive on March 31. "

Anyone else get accepted RD before traditional date?

I found it curious, but not complaining about the extra decision time (can now visit Cornell during March spring break).


Congratulations! It would be great if we got one too. We could visit during Spring Break.

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Congrats! My daughter received the same email on 3/2 at 5:30est. I posted on a dedicated SHA board last night!

This is an expected process for Cornell Nolan SHA and for U Penn Nursing. (Possibly for Cornell ILR - in past years??) They are Ivy Day exceptions because of the uniqueness of these programs within the Ivy schools.

According to the Cornell SHA Fall 2021 board, several releases were done early last year on March 1st, but there were also SHA acceptances on Ivy Day, too!

Good luck, everyone!


Congrats, that’s fantastic! Wish my D’s application fell into one of those exceptions to the normal process. :upside_down_face:

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are the acceptances in waves?

Do any of the other smaller Cornell school have early waves too?

I believe these early acceptance letters are only for the SHA applicants.
Oops, I missed #73. Please ignore my comments.

I’m not really an expert on the Cornell early notifications. From what I read last year on the Fall 2021 board, it seemed like there was a group of students who were admitted on 3/1/21, then a second group admitted on Ivy Day which was 4/6/21 last year. I didn’t see any notices for other dates, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! Nolan SHA is a small school, and CC is a small community, so anything is possible.

Below is the official language, which says SHA notices are mailed “beginning in” February. For 2021 and 2022 though, the dates were 3/1 and 3/2 respectively. But the “beginning in” surely implies that there could be other dates for SHA, ILR, and Penn Nursing. My D’s email was at 5:31pm, est – it was not a mailed letter, as the language suggests.

This is from the Fall 2021 Joint Ivy Statement on Admission Policies, Section I-b-i on Common Notification Date. “On a common date, usually in late March, applicants to Ivy League institutions will be notified of admission decisions and financial aid awards. (Letters are mailed beginning in February for the Schools of Hotel Administration, and Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell, and beginning in February for the School of Nursing at Penn.)”

Sorry I don’t have more info to share. Good luck while waiting.


Congrats, so happy for you