Cornell University AAP applicants

<p>If you applied to CU for AAP could you please specify for what you applied for and place your stats.</p>



<p>too embarassed to list my stats
sorry xD</p>

<p>hey, I totally know what you mean.</p>

<p>I applied for architecture</p>

<p>I applied for architecture. To be honest my stats aren't near stellar (and quite embarrasing), but here it goes:</p>

<p>SAT I - 2000 total
SAT II - Math IIC: 680, Literature: 650, Chemistry: 680 -_-
GPA: 95/100, Valedictorian
Senior Courses: AP literature, AP calculus, AP world history, AP macro, physics, senior project, publications
EC's: national honor society treasurer, art club president, film club founder/president, designing clothes, wrote/published a book, community service projects, habitat for humanity, model united nations, teaching violin, tutoring other students, nine years piano/violin.</p>

<p>You call that embarrassing?</p>

<p>i meant compared to others</p>

<p>wow, your stats are not bad, anyways in arch admissions there are many things to consider. Stats are not everything.</p>

<p>GPA 4.3
SAT 2320 (R720 M800 W800)
CHEM 790
BIO 770
WORLD HIST 650 </p>

<p>community service 200+ hrs, president's service award
art awards from NRA, PTA, local library, Music Center(Spotlight Awards Semifinalist)
some academic honors
National Society of High School Scholars
some clubs (VP, secretary)</p>

<p> EC's are not great.
but i thought AAP mainly focused on applicants' portfolios anyways..?
am i right on this?</p>

<p>^ you just made this thread depressing</p>

<p>Far out you Yanks have crazy ECs. :-/</p>

<p>has anyone else that applied to architecture received a likely letter?
I got one in early march....</p>

<p>Are you international? Do any international students recieve invitation letters to cornell days?</p>

<p>Are you international Berry? How long does it take for you to recieve mail from the States? It takes like a month for me to recieve anything (SAT results, requests for additional documents, etc.) and I live in Australia.</p>

<p>I'm so nervous. :O</p>

<p>SAT :1590( M+V)
GPA :3.8 UW
Spanish : 800
US: 770
World: 790</p>

Private School</p>

<p>Applied for Urban Planning.</p>

<p>Yes, im international, and yeah Ive learned not to rely on the mail much. It does travel fast if its like an express package.</p>

<p>Applied for School of Fine Arts (AAP)</p>

<p>SAT: 2170 (750M 690CR 730WR)
SAT II: 700 BioE, 700 Chem, 640 USH (ouch), 630 Math II (double ouch)
AP: Studio Art- Drawing (5), US History (5)
GPA: 91/100 (UW) - school does not rank</p>

President of Art Club (3 years)
Executive Board member of Asian Cultural Society (2 years)
President of wall-painting community service program (2 years)
Publicity Secretary of Grade Government/School Government (2 years)
Art Editor of School Newspaper (2 years)</p>

2006 Silver Key in Scholastic Art Award - painting
2007 Gold Key in Scholastic Art Award - Digital Media
2007 Gold Key in Scholastic Art Award - Digital Media
2007 Honorable Mentionin Scholastic Art Award - Drawing
2007 - Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Scholar (art program that selects 60 artists nationwide each year for full-tuition summer program)
2007 - National Merit award from NFAA (5% of 8,000 applicants)
2007 - New York youngArts award from NFAA (one of most accomplished artist in NYC)
2007 - Displayed artwork in private gallery in NYC
2007 - Went abroad to Rome, Florence and Venice to study art
2006/2007 - Displayed Scholastic artwork in Brooklyn Museum
2007 - AP Scholar
2008 - Gold Key in Scholastic Art Award - Portfolio
2008 - SilverKey in Scholastic Art Award - Sculpture</p>

<p>anyone else apply to AAP - art?</p>