Cornell waitlist 2027


4/28, about if anyone received the email about a possible offer:

  1. 1 Nolan, no.
  2. 3 CoE, no.
  3. 3 (or 4) CAS, yes, not guaranteed.

Off waitlist

  1. 2 from Nolan, last F (4/21)
  2. 3 (or 2) from CoE
    - 2 from CC, last F (4/21) and this past M (4/24)
    - 1 from FB Paying for College, M (4/24)
    (CC and FB could overlap for 1)

Not disagreeing with you. Iā€™m just saying that a waitlist is usually a soft rejection and we parents need to realize that.


I think everyone is capable of managing their own expectations!


Iā€™m just really scared, Iā€™m hanging on to a lot of hope, while being uncommitted to a backup school

At this point in the process, I would certainly hope so. :heart:

:heart: :hugs: Have you spoken with your high school guidance/college counselor? Do you have any options for May 1?

I have options! Iā€™m enrolled in a program that will pay my deposit to any backup school, but they want me to play the waiting game since they canā€™t pay for two schools. There are also issues with processing payments. Hoping for the bestā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

Has anyone heard any information regarding waitlist at Brooks School of Public Policy?

Did your high school college counselor give specifics? Like which school wonā€™t have much WL movement, or she referred to the overall university?
If so, it contradicts what we have been seeing: they pulled off students from waitlist before May 1. I wonder why she thought so or she has some inside info?

Their advice was that of course there will be some kids offered spots (and that those offers could happen at any time) but not to expect large numbers offered spots off of the waitlist this year. They essentially said that we should support our students in moving on and to ensure we knew they had to commit somewhere on/before May 1st. It was really focused on the parents getting the kids to ā€œlove the one who loves you backā€ and to try to move on. (Easy for them to say!)

They then went on to discuss what a competitive year it was and spoke about the increase in applications to all schools, etc. I do not think they had any ā€œinside infoā€ but I think what they are seeing across all of the schools in our area is that there were a lot of waitlist offers (and due to the high stats of these kids, recognizing that a waitlist was a ā€œsoft rejectionā€). Some of the students were given the transfer option so they discussed the pros/cons associated with that.

I guess we will know more in the coming weeks and then when the common data set is published.

Curious if anyone else has additional information from their high school college counselors?

Your high school college counsellor did a good job. Ours said nothing. Thanks for sharing the details.

I agree, your high school counsellor did an amazing job. Our public school had nothing of the kind.

I realized that we got the email from CoE at 6:02 pm last Th. Canā€™t believe that they still worked at the time. So, it seems that we should refresh our email boxes anytime of a day.

Ha! I think the majority of parents at our school would disagree :wink: but, this admission season was a strange one all around. We had a lot of high stats kids get waitlisted at their top choices, so they wanted us to know our chances were not great and were trying to get us to help our kids move on.

Like everyone else on here. We will make a decision on May 1st and stay on the Cornell waitlist, not counting on an offer (but still praying for one!)

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Iā€™m got into UCLA and a few other T20s but Iā€™d still choose Cornell

Wow. Congratulations on UCLA. Thatā€™s a terrific option (and a much warmer one!) :blush:

thanks for your generosity to share.

You are exactly right! The chances are very slim. I am waiting on CALS too. Good luck to your child.


They wouldnā€™t have to worry about yield for a waitlist candidate.

You too!