Cornell waitlist 2027

Yes, on Friday the 28th at 4 EST

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I already sent in 3 updates/LOCI, is there anything else I can do besides wait? Would appreciate advice from those who received the offer.

I feel for you, I received it too and it’s throwing me for a loop as well, I don’t understand why they would send it to only a few people, but then also say it is not a guarantee of an offer of admission? What is this then, it is just very strange I think, I am just hoping for the best tomorrow and I am prepared to not get in and am also prepared to get in, but since they did say it wasn’t a guarantee you should probably play it safe and prepare for the worst even if it does end up being good. It is bad timing though as it seems like they might only let us know good news after we already have to commit to a different school just in case


We are with you. Our applicant (high stats, detailed extra curricular involvement, etc) has a current sibling there and a parent who is an alum
 applied RD and waitlisted.

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Based on the emails received, I would consider not submitting any more materials it seems Cornell is standing firm by that!

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That’s so crazy. Things have changed so much with legacies. My older son did ED which definitely helped but my younger son did not want to do ED anywhere so got waitlisted at 3 schools. It’s so frustrating especially since my younger son has a better application than the one who got in.

Based on last year’s thread, the waitlists were closed in June. So it might still be a longer wait. I know it is a tough time and would be great to hear one way or another before May 1. But the reality is that most waitlist movement would occur after May 1. Good luck to all!

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Crazy is not the word we are using :rage: but it is what it is. If our applicant wasn’t qualified, I would not be so upset but they submitted a very high SAT, have straight A’s in highest rigor course load (as well as some pretty interesting extracurriculars and also has a high number of volunteer hours). :woman_shrugging:

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I’m with you on that. I’ve had some tough moments thinking about how hard my son has worked over the years in classes and ECs, and to see how he is not excited with his college selections. Especially when people tell me how exceptional he is and he will get in anywhere :roll_eyes:. Things are so unpredictable now with college acceptances.
He’s currently taking classes at our state university which is a big 10 school so we are thinking he should just continue there in their honors program. :woman_shrugging:


Yes. Ours was told the same thing, along with, “you were waitlisted at xx school because they didn’t think you’d really go” or “ you didn’t get into xx school because they know you’ll go to Cornell since you’re a Cornell family”
 super frustrated at the process in general but the sadness of them not getting to be proud of all the hours of work, was heartbreaking.

Ours will go to state flagship honors program and save a ton of money for grad school.

Although, still holding out hope for Cornell. :pray: :crossed_fingers:

Good luck to your family :heart:

Good luck to your family too!!

totally agree!

I don’t usually post to these boards, but I am a parent who has gone through this process twice in the past three years and I have read these boards looking for signs of hope that these darn waitlists would actually move. My son did get a email on Friday, April 21, 2023 stating that CALS would like to offer him admission if he could confirm ongoing interest within 24 hours of email receipt. We confirmed and the official letter was received on Monday, April 23rd. We attended an admit day yesterday and committed today. We sent a LOCI in mid April. Good luck to everyone. This process is grueling. Hang in there.


major ?

Information Science



Thanks! It’s been a journey.

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Has anyone heard anything from/about ILR?

Has anyone heard of someone getting off for Dyson? or any interest email for Dyson

Has anyone heard anything from Human Ecology? To my knowledge, I’ve only heard about the hotel school, CAS, and engineering. Hoping for a TO for my D.