Cornell waitlist 2027

Congrats to u and ur son! Ahhh I hope to get one of those emails soon lol. Would u mind sharing his major?

I have not heard a single word about dyson letting anyone off or sending an interest email,
However, they replied thank you to the LOCI i sent in 3 weeks ago and to other stuff; they also reached out to my school to verify my transcript/classes/grades (when i asked my counselors about it they keep it broad but said the admissions office called; since I have all A+ i don’t think it was a bad reason), around 2 weeks ago.
But yeah I checked this thread and Reddit and everywhere searching to see if anyone has hard an official update regarding their waitlist status relating to dyson and have heard absolutely nothing; my hope is that its such a small school that they’re waiting until this first week until after those that got in commit to see where the pieces lie. but yeah interest wise so far nothing but darkness. LMK if you hear about an update!


Finally someone is also talking about Brooks :smiling_face_with_tear:

please help: one question, is the notification through email first and then update in Cornell Portal? I should check email rather than the portal ?

As far as I know, email first.

Dear merlin77, if you still come to this site, did you receive your FA letter? Best of luck.

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As far as CAS, the letter of continued interest came via email then there was a link to respond. He took a screenshot of the confirmation after he replied which was a good idea since nothing showed up in his portal to verify him completing it. You know you always second guess if you actually sent it after-lol.


My son is in Cornell Nolan as of an hour ago!




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Thank you!! I am crossing my fingers and will be praying for you all.



Congrats! Is it Engineering?

No, it’s not engineering.



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Has there been an actual “wave” yet for the CAS waitlist or is it just a few lucky individuals who got in before May 1 (perhaps because their profile fits institutional needs)?

As far as I know there has been no actual wave yet. I think the first wave for CAS last year was 5/2, if I’m not mistaken.


have u submitted a loci for ilr yet?

Yeah I did but I submitted it pretty late, on 4/24. What about you?

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