Cornell waitlist 2027

did u send in anything before u got ur offer?



Thanks everyone, I did send a LOCI the weekend before May 1st to the portal as well as via email to Cornell University and CALS. Cornell sent a basic confirmation email, but CALS sent me a long email on May 2 that said (among other things):
“We also appreciate you reaching out to share your recent updates, more about your fit for Cornell CALS and that that you remain highly interested in fall 2023 admission. It sounds like you’ve had a busy, exciting and productive past few months! We can confirm that this letter of continued interest has been successfully added to your application file.” IDK if this is a generic email but I was definitely pretty stoked about the implications.

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Oh wait lol I swapped the replies, look at mine for Xinhui. As for Xinhui’s question, I didn’t, only the confirmation email I talked about in the reply I sent earlier.

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Thank you very much Rishi for the sharing😀! Congratulations again!! Wish you all the best in Cornell!


Congratulations RiShi! Its been such a tough application of male Chinese stem students, hopefully I can be in your position next week, also as a student at CALS😭.

Congrats! How did you know you were admitted? Did they send a email to you saying you were admitted or there was an application update on your portal?

Haha, I’m Indian-American myself in bio (and also adding CS when I get there), but best of luck next week!

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No, there was an email saying like [IMPORTANT] CALS Admission waitlist update or something along those lines

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DM sent

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does the Cals base on gender and region for selection? I was puzzled for this. Guess my chance is getting slim to none! :sob:

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Congratulations. It’s super frustrating as our college counselors will not let us do anything other than input the LOCI into the portal.

Our counselors told us that CALS admits by gender as well as major (but who knows!)

** they also told us to only submit the LOCI and any grade updates :woman_shrugging: through the portal

I’m thinking at this point if my son received an email from them on 4/21 and submitted additional information probably has no chance in getting in anymore.


Lowkey I don’t think I was supposed to either but idgaf not like they would have said yes and by sending an email they would be like oh this guy doesn’t follow directions and rescind it – how are the college counselors gonna monitor this?

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did those who got in send cornell their latest grade reports? my grade fell to a B+ in one class so I don’t know if I should send it

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I assume it is optional. Does a student have to send the updated grade?


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I am thinking that they did say to reach out to them if you have any questions so I don’t know how that can be a bad thing.

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