Cornell waitlist 2027

Did you get an email?

Since the waitlist is closed, is there a chance for TO’s or is this it?

Congratulations to those who were admitted! For those who were not, please do not let this discourage you. Remember that you are always in charge of your future, and you can achieve success no matter where you go. Stay positive and keep working towards your goals!


Looking at last year’s thread they sent out TOs a couple days later, but not sure if they’ll follow that this year


Yes, an email saying that there is an update on my portal. I got excited but the update was something along the lines of “we now have a clear picture of admission numbers and unfortunately you weren’t accepted.”

I haven’t gotten a rejection or acceptance in my portal yet for coe :sob:

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Same! I’m confused lol

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Maybe you guys are the few that they’re holding on to over the summer! Good luck!


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Rejection for COE

what does the tranfer options say? does it specifically say you can transfer? or is it vague?

has coe released rejections yet? nothing on my side yet

All of the rejection letters have the vague statement that encourages you to transfer - but it’s not a TO.

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My bad, just checked the thread again and it looks like it varies for different colleges. CAS offered TOs along with the waitlist rejection while CALS sent them out a few days later.

so im assuming cals is also closed and we’ll be receiving rejections/TOs soon. ugh

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Is anyone still on Dyson waitlist?

My Godson was given the transfer option - but even the wording on it says that it is “not a guarantee of admission” and that they “look forward to working with you on the path to transfer.”

I am not sure how the TO differs from a regular transfer if it’s not a guarantee (even if you do all of the things they ask you to do)?

Congrats! I’m not sure how exactly the transfer options work but I believe it gives you the opportunity to skip past the essays and rec letters that come with the regular transfer process. Which college did he receive the TO for?

congrats! i believe everyone who gets TO gets in. they only word it that way to avoid legal troubles


He applied to CALS, RD and was given the TO when he received his decision on Ivy Day.

He is committed to another school and is all set with roommates. I highly doubt he will transfer to Cornell after spending a year in college.