Cornell waitlist 2027

Any other CoE applicants hear back? My D hasn’t heard anything.

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congrats!!! Still waiting from COE

Hi, our daughter came off waitlist yesterday for COE. They have given 5 days to confirm the spot which indicates that they will wait till after Memorial day to make offers to those that haven’t been rejected off the waitlist. Very best wishes to all.



Just yesterday my D asked me why she did not get into any T20 schools (she is waitlisted in a few of them). As she see a lot of her friends in school with much less stats, activities and everything else (she showed me one kid who even boasted on IG about how he has 58 missing assignments) got into Cornell; meanwhile, she keeps staying up all night and working on her projects. I don’t know how to tell her: it’s because of the applicant pool she belongs to and she has been lied to her whole life in school. One thing that dishearten me a lot is when I applied to college, I did not have any advantages as low income and first gen. ; all I have done is work hard my whole life (we risk our life as “essential workers” during the pandemic), be honest with my income and by doing these I have negatively impacted my daughter’s future. Sorry for my rant.


As the mom of a high stats and hard working student, I felt your pain!
Hard to see your kid working so diligently all these years, but got waitlisted or rejected by the T20 schools that you know she deserves a spot!
I am just speechless…


If I was tech savvy enough, I’d DM you, but will say for the benefit of the group that the admissions process is mysterious and at times illogical, and resembles nothing like what I remember. The hardest thing is to go through this as a parent and watch the disappointment of your kids and not be able to do one darn thing about it.

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I feel for you. My child also received a rejection from Cornell. Luckily he is handling this well.

The college application process has become increasingly unpredictable, particularly in after the pandemic when test optional is available. Sometimes it feels difficult to comprehend if they truly have enough time to thoroughly review each application.

In moments like these, it is crucial for us as parents to provide unwavering support and love to our children and not to let our own feelings overshadow their experience. Success in life is not solely determined by the college they attend. Our kids have worked hard, no matter where they go, they will have bright futures ahead.
Sending blessings to all the hard-working and honest families out there. Our kids will flourish and achieve success, regardless of the college they ultimately decide on!


I dont rlly u sweat and… so human ecology does not have a transfer option? Sorry about my confusion

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CHE does offer Transfer Option. I know someone who received it for Class of 2027.

Sorry for any confusion I created.

Human Ecology does employ the TO but also has articulation agreements with NYS two year colleges, so there may be more transfers attending Hum Ec and Ag than some of the other colleges that do not have articulation agreements.


The purpose of this thread is for discussions and updates about the Cornell waitlist for class of 2027, not for a dozen other discussions that have nothing to do with the waitlist or even Cornell.


@jas_00 Like a few other parents have already stated, I’m a parent who is rooting for you in this process. With your enthusiasm and great attitude, whatever school gets you is very lucky! Fingers crossed for you!

I am deeply grateful for the overwhelming kindness everyone has shown me. As my parent is not familiar with the college application process, communicating with her about it can be challenging. Hence, I am immensely thankful for the support and well wishes from other parents. Good luck to all !!