Cost of Attendance for 2012-13 now up

<p>COA is up with the fall figures at Exception to that is when you click to the link for housing, it doesn’t pull up any of the other dorms, so only the price tag for the 4 room suites are available now. Good to have the numbers!</p>

<p>Ok, I’m getting very nervous about finances…
When I look at the new 2012-13 UA costs for the year, tuition is listed as $11,475 per semester or $22,950 per year. My son’s financial award letter lists a lower amount for covering tuition, to the tune of a $1050 difference. Not huge, but large enough that I’m taking notice. Obviously when the financial aid letters came out, the final tuition figures were not yet known. He is on an Engineering scholarship which covers the cost of full tuition (whatever that is!) + a $2500 per year supplement/stipend.</p>

<p>Is his $2500 engineering supplement expected to pay for the difference in what was listed as being awarded (back in Feb) versus what is listed on the UA website for cost of tuition?! When I called the financial office at UA to query this, that is the impression that they left me with (and then directed me to the scholarship office instead). They told me that he will be ‘billed’ for $22,950 per year…the scholarships (including the eng’g stipend) we receive will be deducted from that.</p>

<p>Further, when I called the office of Student Receivables just now, they said that his scholarship definitely only covers up to 16 hours of credit. This rule about 16 hours of credit is CLEARLY stated on the webpage. The woman explained that they have been at the 16 credit hours limit for at least 3 years.</p>

<p>I have read elsewhere on this forum that full tuition scholarships means full tuition…and yet several of you have hinted that this covers more than 16 hours.</p>

<p>What is the truth?
I have calls into both the College of Engineering Scholarship office as well as the UA Scholarship office. But if anyone else (especially Eng’g families) has run into this issue yet, please weigh in with your help. Thanks.
PS: He is NOT NMF, so please keep that in mind when responding about the credit hours issue.</p>

<p>Doesn’t your son have the Presidential Scholarship? If so, it adjusts to cover the increases in tuition for all four years.</p>

<p>The way I understand it, engineering students with the Presidential and Engineering Scholarships should have a bill of about $5350 per semester</p>

<p>Tuition - covered by Presidential</p>

<p>Fees (using UA estimate) 375
Dining dollars 300
Meal plan 1525
Housing 4400
Subtotal 6600
<eng’g scholarship="" -="" 1250="">
Total 5350</eng’g></p>

<p>Books, travel expenses and personal expenses not included as these are not billed through UA</p>

<p>OK, YES, I just got message back that scholarship is adjusted to cover FULL TUITION (actually/specifically the ‘value’ of full tuition, not a specified amount). (It was suggested that if we have a question about tuition costs covered by scholarships to contact the scholarship office directly - NOT the financial/receivables/billing folks. This is because the scholarship funds are not yet fully applied to students’ accounts/bills, and what the billing folks have access to is slightly different info to what the scholarship folks have access to…)</p>

<p>The eng’g dept scholarship office is actually now checking w/ the UA overall scholarship office to be sure that the 16 hour credit limit is or is not going to be applied in this case. I don’t want to preempt anything that they might come back and tell me, so I’m just going to say that this issue is ‘in hand’ at present, and I will update everyone once I get a definitive answer on this. I specifically want to clarify with them that when a kid is considered ‘on scholarship’ that the same rules apply for NMF scholarships vs other scholarships. Stay tuned.</p>

<p>Dr Bonner is the one who approved that the Presidential scholarship will cover up to 20 credits per semester. Scholarships knows that.</p>

<p>And, yes, the scholarship is adjusted each year to reflect any tuition increases.</p>

<p>So, you’re good!</p>


<p>Verification from the dept of engineering:</p>

<p>-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton, Saskia [mailto:<a href=“”></a>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:25 PM
Subject: RE: Question regarding department of engineering scholarships</p>

<p>Hi (JRCSmom),
(JRC)‘s Engineering scholarship package follows the same guidelines as Admissions’ scholarships like the UA Scholar award; so, he will be covered for up to 20 credit hours through both the UA Scholar award and the Engineering tuition supplement.
Saskia Clayton
Engineering Scholarships</p>