UA Scholarship 2013 Offer -- Does it adjust with tuition increases?

<p>I am wondering if anyone else has the same question regarding their scholarship offer letter which came in the mail today. The letter states that tuition is valued at $7650 for eight semesters instead of 2/3 tuition for four years.</p>

<p>However, the UA Scholarship web page states for the “UA Scholar” that:<br>
“…UA Scholar and will receive the value of 2/3 tuition for four years.”</p>

<p>My impression (assumption) was that the scholarship would increase when tuition increased based on it being calculated at “two thirds”.</p>

<p>Can anyone shed some light on this ambiguity?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Yes it covers tuition increases.Roll Tide.</p>

<p>It’s been a year since I read my D’s scholarship letter, but I thought it gave a particular number based on current tuition, but also specified that it would increase if tuition did. Maybe I’m confusing it with the website, though. In any event, when the tuition went up (as it always does), the scholarship went up also.</p>

<p>Full tuition and 2/3 tuition scholarships INCREASE as tuition increases.</p>

<p>Thank you Idinct, Beth’s Mom, and of course M2CK for your quick responses.</p>

<p>In case any others reading this forum are wondering why I did not go directly to the source with my question (which I will still do), I knew this great UA community would have an answer to a question that simply could not wait until Monday. Reading your replies so soon after I posted the question last evening was a huge load off my mind and I could better enjoy dinner with the family! </p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>The fact that those two scholarships increase as tuition increases is a big deal. Many/most schools do not do this. They’ll either award a set dollar amount, or say it’s full tuition, but then the fine print says that the amount won’t increase. Thankfully, Bama doesn’t do that with its full tuition and 2/3 tuition scholarships.</p>

<p>Those with 1/2 tuition scholarships probably get the same benefit, but check to be sure. That scholarship is newish so we hadn’t asked about it. Send an email to <a href=“”></a> and ask.</p>

<p>M2CK… yes, it is a HUGE deal. For the benefit of those reading this post (and those reading this post into the future) who are considering university scholarship offers, the fact that UA will adjust as tuition increases is another great aspect of the University of Alabama.</p>

<p>For example, one university in the southeast we were considering in the spring of 2012 offered a scholarship of $10,000/year off of out of state tuition. During the summer, a tuition increase was announced without a corresponding scholarship increase. The net effect from the tuition increase from spring 2012 to fall 2012 was a scholarship that was now worth about $2000 less from one school year to the next. Think about that!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>


<p>I received confirmation through our very helpful University of Alabama recruiter that the scholarship award will in fact always cover 2/3 tuition (plus 1/3 for Engineering) even if OOS tuition rises.</p>

<p>Now that deserves an enthusiastic “ROLL TIDE”!</p>

<p>We just received the scholarship letter in the mail, and it reads quite differently than the letter he got in October when he was accepted. The letter in October said 'we are awarding you a Presidential Scholarship of $22,950 per year…if the cost of tuition rises, your scholarship will be adjusted to cover that increase." Today’s letter says: Presidential Scholarship 2013 - $11,475.00 for 8 semesters. (no wording of increased tuition costs). I have called the scholarship office and asked for a return call. Seatide or any others that have already been through this, were your letters the same? I don’t mean to sound like I don’t trust the recruiters etc., but I find it odd that that language is different between the two letters. Was this a late change to the awards we just don’t know about?</p>

<p>I just got through to scholarship dept. and they assured it me it does cover tuition increases. Wish this letter was worded as the one in October, but even on the scholarship page it says 'the value of out of state tuition for four years"…so I guess we are okay…</p>