Course Load

<p>I'm really nervous about starting IB next year in the 11th grade. My classes are currently English HL, History HL, Bio HL, Visual Arts HL, Mathematics SL, and online courses of Chinese1 and World Mythology. I really suck at math so my question is whether or not I should take math studies or mathematics. Math isnt my strong suit but i want to keep trying as hard as i can and not take the easiest class there is. I'm also wondering if this seems like too large of a course load because often times I bite off more than I can chew but I'm really interested in Chinese and mythology but at the same time I don't want to be over extended.I'm not sure if I should drop one of my online classes. thanks a lot for any replies :)</p>

<p>First of all, relax no need to start worrying now!</p>

<p>I’d say your course load is very heavy but not overly difficult so long as the arts and humanities are your forte. What worries me is the combination of biology/visual arts HL both of which have a VERY heavy workload - kind of overkill IMHO. If i were you i’d drop biology to standard level to reduce your workload significantly - but only do this if you don’t not intend on majoring in science or don’t care about the college credit. </p>

<p>Regarding maths: I’d take sl maths if your motivated enough to get through the class as it’ll give you a strong foundation for college maths and you’ll learn a lot more than you would in maths studies. </p>

<p>If both Chinese and mythology are IB classes than i definitely think you should drop one of them as there is no need to add to your already heavy workload plus the IB diploma is hard as it is :stuck_out_tongue: However, if they both aren’t IB courses then i think you should keep them both because it’s highly unlikely that they’re as hard as an IB class (correct me if i’m wrong). </p>

<p>Thanks so much! :slight_smile: This was really helpful im just concerned whether or not colleges will look down on me only doing 3 HLs rather than 4. Do they really care? And exactly how hard is math sl? I heard its mostly calculus and my Dad’s good at it so he could help me but i didnt do so great in Algebra II and I dont want to go through that again but i like math and i still want to challenge myself.</p>

<p>@EllieR98 They most definitely won’t look down on you for taking 3 HL’s as that is the diploma requirement anyways. Taking 4 HL’s is a waste of your time as colleges won’t think your course load is any more rigorous than that of a student who does 3 HL’s. The only advantage to taking 4 HL"s is getting credit for the extra HL class so long as you get a 6/7 (and in some cases a 5)</p>

<p>SL maths is pretty much pre-calculus the first year and AP calculus AB the next year. If you really want to challenge yourself i suggest you study some maths in the summer to solidify your foundation as being strong in algebra/trig is essential to doing well in SL maths. How much exactly did you struggle in algebra 2 and was trig incorporated into the class? </p>

<p>I mean, I didn’t do very well in the first quarter of the first semester but I managed to improve my final grade to a B. I knew all of the concepts it is just that I would get terrible anxiety and not do very well on tests, plus my teacher pushed us a little too hard. Trig was incorporated but only for about two weeks. I’ve already had the teacher who does Mathematics SL so I’m used to her teaching style. In regards to HL Visual Arts and HL Bio how are they heavy workloads? Do they require lots of memorization? and (I’m sorry for so many questions) what is visual arts like?</p>

<p>@EllieR98 If that’s the case, i’d take SL maths. If your still unsure ask your current maths teacher whether they’d recommend you take sl maths or studies. </p>

<p>Well, biology requires A LOT of memorisation and from what i’ve heard visual arts requires you to do a lot of work/development and writing. Keep in mind i don’t take visual arts though. If it’s something your really passionate about take it but only take it at standard level to reduce your workload. </p>

<p>Why would you even consider taking 4 HLs, especially since History, Biology, AND Visual Arts are in the mix? Colleges wouldn’t look down on you at all because they know 3 HLs are already killer enough. Anyways, depending on what you’re planning on doing in college or what you actually like, drop one of these to SL.</p>