Course Selection Help

I’m a sophomore in the IB middle years program thinking about my courses for next year’s switch to the diploma program. I’m already certain of an HLs I want to take but I need help discerning which are actually legitimately challenging and reputable courses vs a few of the less rigorous IB courses(I’m looking at you Methods). Okay, so here’s what I’ve compiled so far:

Math HL

Physics HL (Supposedly really difficult but taught by a Harvard double major at my local high school)

Theatre HL (Not sure if it would show colleges lack of rigor or immense commitment to theatre(which I have))
Chemistry HL
Latin HL(I love me some Latin)
Film HL

On the fence:
English HL

And I’m not a history guy so HL humanities wouldn’t be my thing. Any suggestions?

what is your major?

I intend to pursue nuclear energy or physics for bachelor’s and then either get a doctorate in physics or go to med school and help with nuclear medicine.

HL Math, HL Physics (but this combo is known to be lethal- our Salutatorian failed his diploma doing this), and NOT HL CHEM. Do NOT take this heavy course load, you WILL regret it. And if you’re only concerned about what college’s will think, that’s an extremely bad sign. However, I’m sure they’d appreciate a more well rounded student vs. someone who put all their eggs in one STEM basket. So I would recommend HL English. SL English is a literal joke, and most student in the US take HL.

I’m not trying to do this for the purpose of impressing colleges, I just wanted to know if theatre hl or Latin hl are really just joke classes on par with methods or sl English

How many HL classes in total do you plan to take?

I highly recommend what my D did which is getting two SL classes done your first year. Leaving only 4 classes for last year.

I know several of the HLs are two years, and we’re allowed to take up to four(I really want to use all four). Taking Calc AB and AP Physics really connected a lot of dots for me, but I also love chem to death and would totally pursue it. However, I’m only allowed one IB science(HL or SL)

I would do

HL Math
HL English
HL Physics
HL or SL Latin - can you start first year in SL then decide later? Some schools allow that
SL Social Studies depending on what your school offers
SL art of some kind

And of course TOK and EE and CAS all have to be completed.

HL Math and HL Physics if you feel you can complete it - check the record on that combination at your particular high school. HL Theater and HL Latin would show you’re intellectually curious and well- rounded academically.
SL English is offset by HL Theater, and whatever SL Social Science/History sounds the best to you.
IBD is automatically “most rigorous”, regardless of the SL’s you take - colleges know you can’t take 6 HL’s, and 4HL’s is already above the norm.
I agree that completing the two SL’s junior year will make for a more manageable senior year (keep in mind that you’ll have a hidden, writing-intensive class called “college essays”.)

SL English is such a waste that my school doesn’t even offer it and makes HL English mandatory. You’re going to need writing skills regardless of what you study in college and it’ll help you in your other classes, I’d say go for HL English.
If you’re between HL Chem and Physics go with Chemistry. Most colleges won’t award physics credit to those going into engineering majors.

I don’t know anything about the others but that’s my advice. Definitely consider the credit thing. Most colleges won’t award a credit for obscure classes like Film and Philosohy, and some don’t accept credits related to your major. Just a warning.