Course sites

<p>Hoping that y’all can help me find something I’m sure is in myBama. I am assuming that mybama is a CMS (course management system) and that there will be some type of links to individual class online sites (at least that’s what Vanderbilt and University of Tennessee have; they both use Blackboard as their building block.) Where will those class sites (if they exist) nest and when do they usually pop up before a semester?</p>

<p>Individual links to course sites on Blackboard will appear closer to the beginning of the year and will appear under the home, academics, and student tabs (the latter two have an eLearning section that will be populated with the course links). Just because a course pops up on myBama does not mean that the instructor will be utilizing Blackboard.</p>

<p>Fun fact: Action cards use the Blackboard Transact system to process transactions.</p>