Cross Campus Transfers - L & S to College of Engineering

Hi all-
I was wondering who has attempted a transfer from the college of L & S to the college of engineering after freshman year.
Is it mostly a guarantee if all pre-reqs are met and the student has A’s and B’s only? Also, will it be a problem finding certain prereq classes if you are not part of the college of engineering?

Lastly, is it just a safer bet to go to UWM engineering for a year and attempt a transfer from a different engineering program?

My gut says start college in an engineering program if that’s what you want, but Madison is covering tuition for four years which complicates (in a good way) my decision.

Thanks and congrats to those who have been accepted!

First of all, I presume you will be an entering college freshman at either school. You have earned a UW scholarship which implies you have an excellent HS record that has prepared you for UW. You also are not an engineering direct admit at UW. UW means the Madison campus, btw.

If the above is true it is a no-brainer to start at the school you intend to get your degree. In L&S you will take the same pre-engineering courses that the direct admits do, and likely the intro to engineering one(s) as well. You should be able to get A’s in most of those STEM classes. That will get you into the college of engineering and engineering major. Any B’s likely would come in breadth requirements that are not your forte.

You may not have been a direct admit to engineering but this should not get in your way. Going to UWM (ie Milwaukee) does not guarantee a transfer to UW for any major. Plus, you will miss the material as it is taught at UW.

Look at the UW engineering requirements. You will see that the first year is mainly L&S courses. You need to do well in those no matter which school/college you are technically in.