Cs 102/gba 145?

<p>I know that these are basic classes but what do they count toward as far as requirements-they seem to tell us to take them but noone wants to take them… surely they count towards something…</p>

<p>How do you test out of CS 102?</p>

<p>They count as general electives. You might want to e-mail Dr. Morris, who teaches CS102, to ask about testing out.</p>

<p>There is an exam to test out of CS 102. Study materials are available for a small fee.</p>

<p>Both courses count as electives; CS 102 is a prerequisite for some courses, but GBA 145 is not. UA wants all colleges to offer a course which functions as an introduction to that college, but not all colleges have made their introductory course mandatory.</p>

<p>thanks- just don’t see where in Degree works it will count?</p>

<p>I’ll get him to email Dr. Morris- is test pretty easy- he took business computer in HS</p>

<p>CS102 is a 3 credit course that is described as incredibly easy, is only a once a week for 50 minutes course. Seems a shame to test out of it for 3 easy credits.</p>

<p>Hisess, could you let us know what Dr. Morris says about testing out.</p>

<p>Both are mandatory if you plan on a major (or minor too I think) in business college</p>

<p>CBA has been known to say during Bama Bound that GBA 145 is required, but it’s not. It’s a good class for those who need help deciding what field of business to major in, but one can get a lot of the same information without taking the class by reading the emails that CBA sends out and understanding the course catalog.</p>

<p>Reply from Dr. Morris</p>

<p>There is a placement assessment offered for CS102. There is no grade or credit hours associated with passing it; it simply provides you the prerequisite to take the next class.
The assessment is not given during the summer. The next assessment will be either Aug. 19th or 20th. Hard dates will be posted by Aug. 1st and students will be able to register then.</p>

<p>Please visit the assessment website at <a href=“http://www.assessment.cs.ua.edu%5B/url%5D”>www.assessment.cs.ua.edu</a> for more information. The site will be updated with new information by Aug. 1st, but go ahead and read the current information.</p>