Current Geneseo Students, answer please?

<p>Hello, I am a senior in high school. I'm currently looking towards attending Geneseo, but I have some questions I'd like answered please XD before I pay my deposit and make my decision.</p>

<li>How are the classes? Are they challenging or easy? How many students are in each class, approximately? Are the professors good teachers/available after school?</li>
<li>I am currently undecided about my major, so would this be a problem later?</li>
<li>How is the internet here?</li>
<li>I've read around that there isn't much to do around Geneseo. What would someone do around Geneseo? Like school related events, etc? What is this Main st. I keep reading about?</li>
<li>There is a Wal-Mart nearby right? How would one get there?</li>
<li>I heard that the library closes early? Where's the library here and does it close early? I'm a bookworm lol</li>
<li>Is it hard to make friends here? I read some reviews that Geneseo is social inept?</li>
<li>Is it true you can learn to ride horses here? :D</li>
<li>How are the dorms here? Where would freshmen dorm in their first year?</li>
<li>Is the weather always gloomy or depressing?</li>
<li>What kind of food is there to eat in the dining hall, or outside of Geneseo?</li>
<li>I want to make sure I keep up with my health, so what is there to do at Geneseo to maintain my health? I know theres probably a gym somewhere in Geneseo. I was thinking of doing jogging or running, but I'm not sure where I would be able to do this, besides join the track team (I don't want to compete competitively though). Any ideas?</li>
<li>During breaks, how would I return back to NYC? I'm assuming theres a train or bus or something that rides back? ;o</li>
<li>How is the security at Geneseo?</li>
<li>Lastly, what is Greek?</li>

<p>Sorry there are so many questions :( I'm really confused on choosing colleges, especially since I have no idea what my major will be.</p>

<li>classes in your major are usually pretty hard and gen eds are usually easy, but it all depends on your teacher. intro classes are around 50-100 ppl but get smaller. kind of all over the place depending on the class/subject. most of the professors are great, i’ve only had two so far that i didn’t like and they were adjuncts :confused: and the professors here hold a lot of office hours and are very responsive to emails and most classes have tas that hold office hrs as well</li>
<li>internet is a hit or miss depending on where you are but the campus is 100% wireless</li>
<li>drink haha the schools also has a lot of activities on the weekend and there’s a movie theater and bowling nearby that the bus goes to. main street is a pretty average main street. there’s a lot of good restaurants and a marine corps recruiting center next to a magic/witchcraft shop which is pretty funny</li>
<li>the bus or friends with cars</li>
<li>it closes on 2 on weekdays and i think 9 on fri/sat. there’s other places like the union to study which is open later on the weekend. both are in the middle of campus</li>
<li>no most people find their cliques</li>
<li>i guess. there’s stables near by and some horse club/club equestrian</li>
<li>two freshman dorms onondaga and jones but you could be placed somewhere else. depends what you want</li>
<li>no but it’s always windy</li>
<li>all kinds of food</li>
<li>there’s a gym and a lot of club/intramural sports. you can go on the track as long as a team isn’t practicing and there’s an indoor track</li>
<li>geneseo is really safe</li>
<li>fraternity if you’re a guy and sorority if you’re a girl. they throw parties
let me know if you want more details</li>

<p>Thank you so much for answering! :slight_smile:
If anyone else wants to add, that would be great!</p>

<p>I want to go to Geneseo, but my parents want me to go to Albany because its only 3 hours away from where I live (whereas Geneseo is 6 hours away) and I’d only have to pay 2k a year with my scholarship. After reading a lot about Albany, it just seems that Geneseo is a better school to be in, even though I’d have to pay more money.</p>

<p>Hiya! I’m from downstate too and let me tell you, as a freshman, going to Geneseo has been the highlight of my life thus far.

  1. There’s obviously a lot of variability, and I’d agree that the classes you take for your major are hard. But especially if you enter undecieded, you’ll end up taking a lot of gen-ed requirements. which can be filled with relatively easy intro classes or more challenging but very rewarding smaller alternatives. (For example, to fill a fine arts, requirement, you can take theatre 100 with 100 students or take play analysis with 30. Same teacher in fact, but totally different atmosphere - intro classes are usually more memorization intensive wheras a lot of the others may be more writing focused.) Play it smart and you can have small classes, hard classes, easy classes, whatever - when you come in undeciede and especially if you have any previous college credit, the possibilities are infinite! And I also testify to what the last responder said about personal attention from professors who are experts in the field, yet really care about inspiring those who are passionate about their subject. That alone is worth the money to me and seems like something Albany wouldn’t be able to offer even the top students.
  2. As I touched upon, being undecieded opens up more doors rather than closes them. You don’t have to declare until the end of your sophomore year and can spend your time filling requirements as well as peppering in fun or interesting courses. They have advisors who really are invested in helping you identify your strengths and shape your future, which is cool - secret from someone involved in admissions, all the best, most senior professors advise undecieded majors!
  3. internets usually fine except once or twice a semester we’ve had some issues. just contact the it department and its usually fixed. but of course, we are a public school! :smiley:
  4. theres a lot that goes on on weekends! beyond drinking (I’d say 1/4 of the geneseo population doesn’t drink regularly) dorm life being an activity in itself -it is so crazy fun and time-consuming keeping up with everyone, I promise! the student union hosts two different activities on both friday and saturday night where groups of friends can go, hang out and do silly things - sometimes they show movies, throw little dance parties or just give out free stuff and provide entertainment. I go out, drink and once we sober up my friends and I often stop by and have an awesome time there, as the activities go on till 1 or 2!
  5. I work for the cafe in the library so let me tell you, we DO NOT close early! 10pm on weekends (but again, the student union and starbucks are open until 2am) but until 130 sun-thursday.
  6. I can only testify to my experience, and I know I got so lucky, but I’ve met the most fascinating, fun folks right within my hall. we’re a little family and all have each others back. I’ve been through much with these people, I can say that I’m closer to them than most of the friends I’ve had in my life. Part of that is college, maturity and dorming, but I personally think Geneseo attracts a certain caliber of student because its “isolated” - you have to look past the allure of big party school and select Geneseo for more intelligent reasons than to have a good time. That means people come here with stories, depth and very open attitudes. Of course, it really is what you make of it, but people here really are very open to befriending everywhere - my hall is unified, the hunky gym guys who party play video games with the guys who never leave their room and I’m incredibly close with all of them.
  7. Most freshman live on Southside, located a 3-minute “commute” from the heart of campus. This is except Jones, a small hall with genders seperated and a substance-free B side. I live in a smaller building on southside in a predominantly freshman building with some transfers sprinkled in and like I said, I love it. my room here is bigger than my room at home, my roomate is best friend and my neighbors are mostly within my group of friends, if not then we’re on great terms and always politely interested in each others lives. Onodaga, Niagara, Wayne are corrider, which I recommend as a freshman because the two-person dynamic is class and overwhelming enough - I’ve heard suites as a freshman can be isolating if you don’t fall in with a grea group.
  8. I’m from NYC/Long Island and I think the weather here is wonderful. Given, its been a very mild winter, but we’ve had less snow up here although there are frequent pretty little flurries. the school is good about shoveling though, surprisingly enough! it is always windy though, but the last 3 weeks have been 60+ everyday with a couple of random afternoon thunderstorms that are awesome. everyone runs around and bonds over the weird weather. the joke is, the weather is actually a relatively interesting subject of conversation at geneseo. and the sky up here is really remarkable because we’re situated facing this breathtaking valley…
  9. foods okay, they try really hard though and it gets better every semester! also, unlike albany, food is very easily accessible - you have no idea how many places to eat are open till 12 and how desperately college students are to munch at night!
  10. Geneseo students are generally pretty active and outdoorsy - thats why they opt for it! I’ve actually lost 30lbs since coming to college, first just because of walking everywhere and adjusting to the food but now I run and work out everyday. My roomate is on track and generally you have to be recruited and its really intense, but the valley is so beautiful that I find my runs at sunset are <em>almost</em> fun!
  11. some people take trains but theyve got pretty shady reviews. the vast majority take buses, but by second semester you’ll surely befriend someone with a car whose from downstate as i did. bus is as plesant as it can be. personally, I prefer to fly because if you book early, its only $20 more than the bus if you book early and for shorter breaks it makes a lot more sense.
  12. geneseo is as safe as a college can be. we’re far enough away from rochester, which is admittedly a shady city, that we have zero commuter-crime and generally its among students. there is no one but a fellow student to pose a danger to you - I sometimes run at midnight through the woods and never once have been bothered. I’ve even been a criminal and trespassed on farms and still, never harassed. Cops swarm on weekends and are generally a visible force on campus. It’s incredible the amount of risks you can take and freedom you can exploit when you don’t have to be paranoid.
  13. Sororietys and fraternities are greek life - they are basically organizations where you apply to be a member and make friends, party and “do community service” with the current members. at geneseo, they are a pretty pivitol to the party scene, but not overwhelming as sports teams, random non-greek organizations and other upperclassmen throw open parties too. they are kind of a social saftey net, but in a good way, as individual members really are mostly nice people and defy the stereotypes.
    PM me if you have any other questions and I’ll gladly give you my e-mail address! I had a similar decision to make with stonybrook and let me tell you, the quality of life here is worth more than any amount of money. I’m on workstudy, work for a cafe on campus and worked all through high school so I feel the weight of your decision, but no money can buy the memories I’ve made, friends I’ve earned and lessons I’ve learned about school, life and myself. If you’re the right kid for Geneseo and can contribute as much back as Geneseo has to offer you, then don’t let money stop you.</p>

<p>Wow, thank you for such a detailed response XD this makes me want to go to Geneseo even more :)</p>

<p>Your life at Geneseo will not end after Geneseo either…We have 18 Regional Committees located all over the US keeping Alumni connected and involved in Geneseo. I am a member of the Long Island Regional Committee and always look forward to our Alumni events. You will always be a part of the Geneseo community…</p>

<p>That’s great to hear :slight_smile: thank you.</p>

<p>Dude this place is in the middle of NO WHERE!, I went overnight recently and there is literally one and I mean ONE street of little stores and on a sunny afternoon the ‘town’ was dead. Campus is really nice though & food was good.</p>

<p>Is the club you mentioned where a lot of kids go on friday and saturday nights called the IB by any chance?..</p>

<p>^The Club is indeed called the IB or in between! It is a bar and within spitting distance of campus, for better or for worse! In fact, I get out of work at the Library on Thursdays at midnight and can testify that even then it is hoppin’! Of course, most people don’t go out on Thursday or during the week at all, so it’s not like a bigger party university, but it’s a vibrant, fun, college-centered town nonetheless.
And just wanted to testify one year later that Geneseo is still the school of my dreams come true! If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM or e-mail me - I feel like I owe so much to this school for giving me a chance for happy, successful future, nothing would make me happier than helping others who are worthy find their way to my home :)</p>