Current student housing question

<p>My DS is losing a roommate next semester. He is moving to Mallet. My DS’s has met a friend in Paty Hall that he would like to move into their suite. Is this possible? And if so, how does he go about transferring dorms? Thanks!</p>

<p>There is a room change request form on the Housing website. I called Housing today to inquire because there is a 48 hour window after the request is submitted in which the move will have to take place. I was told that the request would be granted once a vacancy has taken place, which would be in the spring semester. But the room request change form would be the first step.</p>

<p>My son is planning to change rooms as well, ironically, to the same room he sought to leave from during the summer when he inadvertently took a 4th bedroom that was meant for a 4th friend in a suite of common friends. </p>

<p>Turns out the same boy who contacted him to make a swap will be spending the spring semester abroad. One of the kids in the room is now S’s physics lab partner and he and S have become friends. He suggested that my son move into their suite, which is just next door to his current one. </p>

<p>After seeing the appalling condition of my son’s suite over the Thanksgiving break, we truly hope he can make the switch to a cleaner suite and more conscientious kids.</p>

<p>I know that housing has a link on their website with information about changing rooms. If the friend is in honors, it will probably be easier for him to move into an honors dorm than if he was not in any of the honors programs. It is certainly possible to transfer from Paty to the super suite style residence halls even though there is the “honors students must begin in honors housing to choose honors housing in subsequent years” rule. One of my friends was allowed to transfer from Paty to one of the honors dorms.</p>

<p>Is your son in an honors dorm? If so, I don’t know if he can move a student from Paty. However, there may be exceptions. Certainly, the school doesn’t want empty Super Suites! LOL</p>

<p>However, if your son isn’t in honors housing, then he probably can! :)</p>

<p>Call housing to get the exact procedure.</p>

<p>m2ck, my DS is in the honors dorms. I’ll have his friend contact housing to be sure of the procedure! Thanks!</p>

It might be better if you or your son could contact Housing. I wouldn’t deal with whoever answers the phone, because they’re likely just going to tell you that someone who wasn’t in honors can’t move into honors.</p>

<p>I’d try to deal with some of the director-types and appeal to their desire not to have an empty honors bedroom.</p>

<p>If either of them has time during the day, they could go (preferably together) to the housing office in Burke East (the same place where they purchase tickets for the airport shuttle) and speak with someone in person. As I said before, such a room change is possible, especially if the student switching rooms is an honors student.</p>