current students - which meal plan is best?

<p>Which meal plan do you recommend? It seems like you can't lose with the major flex because if you want to eat in one of the all you can eat dining halls you can, but if you want to eat someplace like West End you're also covered. What do most freshmen do?</p>

<p>iv heard the major flex plan is best.</p>

<p>can somoene define what all the plans are?</p>

<p>not to be an a-hole, but i'm sure u can get the best descriptions of each meal plan by looking on the vt site yourself. but then again im only assuming this...</p>

<p>here since i'm so nice <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I did look online. I just thought current students would know if most people at Tech eat in the dining halls the first semester or the a la carte places. If no one eats in the dining halls then it makes sense to get the major flex, but if freshmen all head to the all you can eat dining halls then the plan with meal blocks would make more sense.</p>

<p>he was trying to insult me not u, anyways thx drifticus.</p>