
<p>So as I perused this site, I realized that... I have barely any EC's. 8| Idunno if this is the right forum (move it if it isn't), but all I have right now (I'm a freshman) are:</p>

<p>I've been learning like 2 kids of indian music (Carnatic and Hindustani; I take 2 separate classes a week) for about... 7-8 years so far?
Karate - same amount of time as above
Science Olympiad
Math League Team thing - This is like the one thing I'm doing well in; A team! Though that's not saying much.
...that's it. >.<</p>

<p>Is there anything I can do now that'll help?</p>

<p>You’re a freshman.</p>

<p>Calm yo self foo.</p>

<p>I want to, but reading this website has me so worried about college orz;;</p>

<p>Lol I do Carnatic music as well. It’s great fun. I think chill about ur ECs. I had virtually no idea about college in freshman year.</p>