Dating in College

<p>^^^ I KNEW IT! I’m sorry, but that’s just so cruel. I wonder if women have ever done it to freshman boys. I’m sure it’s happened, but I guess in my mind, I think of a college senior trying to use a college freshman. That’s horrible how he mistreated your sister. People don’t realize the effect they can have on your life.</p>

<p>With all the people around, you’re bound to find someone you at least connect with on a friendship level. So, even if you don’t date you should have some pretty interesting friends, who have other interesting friends you can date. lol. Just my theory.</p>

<p>Okay good. Because I was thinking ugh, I’m gonna be the 50 year old still looking for Mr. Right. I was having an early midlife crisis.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. Guys come to girls, not the other way aorund most times. So I would say you’re still ok. You just have to pick.</p>

<p>BeautifulNerd219 you started a post about natural hair or something? Hmm I’m going to have to look that up. I don’t have a perm either. How long is your hair and how do you normally wear it?</p>

<p>Well on the dating thing, I hope your right Mouse, because while guys may come how come it’s never the right guy?</p>

<p>My hair is hmm I’d say past my shoulders a little bit. I just usually have it straightened.</p>

<p>And yes, it is never the right guy. They may SEEM like the right guy, but no, in reality, they’re not…and they know it smh.</p>

<p>Well I’ll start off by saying sorry because I know us guys can be jerks. I don’t want to get into a huge altercation about what the right type of guy is and etc, but I will say that sometimes he could be right under your nose. (like a good friend) And alot of guys my age don’t really care about a relationship, just one thing. So don’t take it personally. Lastly, if it makes you feel any better girls don’t seem to give me play either. lol</p>

<p>Lol. ^^^ Aww I’m sorry, but the same thing happens to me…well, really, guys do talk to me a lot but I’m telling you, I get psychopaths, ucky oldies, players/pimps, and just overall bad guys. Story of my life lol
I really don’t mind the whole “what’s a good guy” convo b/c honestly, I don’t look for a guy with 6 figures, a Lexus, and a hot body.</p>

<p>I look for way more…touching…qualities. And yeah, my guy friends are either dating, don’t wanna date (just like to mess with different females smh), or are just single and we are all just strictly friends. I do have one guy friend who is such a great guy, but he always gets used or the love isn’t returned. We’re just friends though, best friends.</p>

<p>Well at least you aren’t one of those girls that likes tools. They get cheated on, used, and dumped and wonder what they did wrong. Sometimes I don’t even feel sorry for them honestly. Especially when guys like “me” aren’t fun or exciting, or (insert adjective). When you make your bed you have to sleep in it.</p>



<p>Not always, Most of those guys you mentioned are only interested sex.</p>



<p>Plus, we are in 2010!</p>

<p>I said the guy comes to you, but I didn’t say why.</p>

<p>That’s another thing. Some guys just have sex on the brain way too much. When it comes down to it, a lot (not all) of guys won’t mature and be ready for something meaningful until later…waaaaay later.</p>

<p>It’s a guy thing. It’s uncontrollable. It does happen, but most of the time when we’re with a girl we’re only thinking about how amazing that girl is. Don’t worry, the right guy will come around…eventually</p>

<p>Beautful nerd, where in az are you?
im in az too :)</p>

<p>Lol yeah you’re right. The guys I do meet have always been in the weirdest ways. Or just from activities. @mouse
I mean, I’ve seen people find love in the craziest places <em>cough</em>Prison Wives<em>cough</em> I love that show. Couldn’t be me. Married to a murderer. Scary.</p>

<p>Lol I’m in Avondale, but I go to school in Phoenix @starlight</p>

<p>BeautifulNerd219 I feel the exact same way. I am very quiet when I want to be and if there is a guy that I like I probably wouldn’t say anything to him. But I dont want to be that way in college because I want to have a relationship. I don’t want to be used either which I know is common among college boys.</p>

<p>I’m actually going after this girl I met because we both recieved this scholarship for being minority students who excel in the classroom. I never would’ve thought, considering the only girls i knew were friends and old friends. I was pleasantly surprised. If things go well, I’m going to ask her to prom because the girls at my school are not “quality”, and my parents won’t be upset because she’s black! Win-Win!</p>

<p>@HBrown- I’m pretty open, so if I like someone, I’m more than likely gonna tell them. Lol I’m kind of in @mouse’s situation; I like this guy and vice versa. He’s older, but to me, age is just a number unless you’re R.Kelly lol.</p>

<p>Lol @mouse “not ‘quality.’” Reminds me of my cousin. I almost died when I saw he had a black prom date AND she was gorgeous. I knew her from when I was younger. He’s always gotten pretty girls just never black ones. I always thought it was personal preference.</p>

<p>I know im trying to be more open. I don’t like any of the black guys in my school. They are all idiots. So I guess I will have to wait until I go to college. :)</p>

<p>^ I feel you but why not the other guys?
Actually I like black girls but I am OK with white girls too.
There are few black girls in my city. Most of the white girls think I am a gangster or some thing like that!
I am no way near gangster and I don’t want to be one!
Plus they like gangsters!! So this keeps me busy</p>