Daughter's chances?

<p>My daughter, a jr, is very excited about her upcoming visit to CC and if all goes well, she may go early decision. She's asking me to have you chance her, so please indulge us!</p>

<p>White, suburban Chicago, competitive public hs, FA not issue
GPA 3.65 UW, 4.19 W, top 10%, most competitive curriculum
3 AP's junior year, 4 AP's senior year<br>
ACT 31 - will take it one more time
EC's: Varsity tennis, math team, significant volunteering / self-created internships at local hospital and at institution in city, part-time job, language tutor, involved in local community organization, opinion piece published in Chgo Tribune, outdoors biking / backpacking through upper midwest and Canada
Interested in chemistry / sciences / math. Really loves the block plan.</p>

<p>Is she in the ballpark? Is CC too reachy for her? Thanks to all!</p>

<p>Not a reach at all. Based on the stats posted by this year’s ED and EA acceptances, I’d say her chances are very good indeed.</p>

<p>With CC, though, I think it’s really important to apply ED or EA - RD admissions rates usually are much lower!</p>

<p>Pizzagirl–here are the self-reported stats of the EA and ED Colorado College students admitted for 2010</p>


<p>SAT (M + R)
1320, 1360, 1410, 1410</p>

2060, 2100, 2100, 2110, 2150, 2150, 2300, 2320</p>

<p>GPA (UW or not mentioned as weighted or unweighted)
3.3, 3.46, 3.5, 3.5, 3.55, 3.7, 3.7, 3.9, 3.96, 4.0,4.0</p>

<p>GPA (Weighted)
3.71, 4.01, 4.1, 4.1, 4.5</p>

<p>Your D =
GPA 3.65 UW, 4.19 W, top 10%, most competitive curriculum </p>

<p>**ACT 31 **- will take it one more time</p>

<p>looks like Pizzadaughter is very much in line with those ACTUALLY accepted for 2010!</p>

<p>Also, her science/math orientation will be appreciated. And she is demonstrably a self-starter, which is great.</p>