HS class of 2010 Early applicants' results

<p>Over the last few years, parents of students accepted at CC in prior years have given a shout out as the results come in. </p>

<p>Post whether you are ED or EA and your results. It might be interesting to post male or female and state of residence (if you care to).</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Anybody get their letter yet?</p>

<p>My S did yesterday – accepted!</p>

<p>Congratulations to you and your son!</p>

<p>Was it Early Decision or Early Action?</p>

<p>Early Decision. Letter said admission is “particularly competitive this year due to a record number of early applicants.” Wonder what that means in terms of numbers. Don’t see much action here about CC so far this year!</p>

<p>damn it… that “record number of early applicant” scares the crap out of me about my admissions…</p>

<p>crap i havent got my letter yet and im SUPER nervous!!!</p>

<p>would you mind sharing your sons stats luckymama?</p>

<p>GPA UW 3.55, school doesn’t rank, 1360 CR & math SAT. He visited, had a good interview and put a lot of effort into his essays. It probably helped that he’s a legacy. Given his stats, this was a reach, so take heart! I think they pay very close attention to the “fit”, and he made a strong case for that. Good luck to you both – I hope your news is good!!</p>

<p>i did an interview and everything and definitely expressed interest but IDK what the students are like at CC so i’m not sure if i would be a fit or not…</p>



<p>I went back and looked at the common data sets for Fall 2008 and Fall 2007. For ED (I counldn’t find the EA info), of 414 ED apps in 2008 there were 170 admits. For 2007, there were 331 apps and 142 admits.</p>

<p>It could be argued that as the number of ED apps went up, so did the number of ED admits. That said, the overall admit “profile” seems to have also gone up from 2007 to 2008.</p>

<p>When do you think I will hear if I applied EA?</p>

<p>If you want to see a lot of people’s experience on when the EA decisions came, read the other two threads under Colorado College from last week. They are continuations of previous year’s discussions on this subject.</p>

<p>MY S in December of 2006 got his EA acceptance in Texas on approximately Dec. 28th.</p>

<p>My daughter just received her EA acceptance/packet yesterday (12/19). This came much earlier than expected, but is a wonderful Christmas present!</p>

<p>hey colomom, do you mind telling us what the package looked like and what was inside? thanks! i hope i get it before christmas!</p>

<p>The materials came in a large (11x13ish), thick envelope. The envelope contained the acceptance letter, scholarship and open house info, financial aid info, etc. </p>

<p>Hope you hear before Christmas, phasher99. It’ll make your holidays much brighter!</p>

<p>Accepted Early Action TODAY!!! YEAHHH YEAHH YEAHH!!1</p>

<p>Congratulations mongoose8p! D. is still waiting. What state are you in?</p>


<p>I have my fingers crossed for your daughter. Good luck!</p>

<p>im so anxious! i got home as soon as possible today to check my mail and no dice! i’m from new york so i guess a little more waiting for me =x
I hope I get it tomorrow or latest wed.</p>

<p>are they sending out rejection letters now too? I just want to hear something!</p>