I was just wondering what the financial aid app deadlines were for these colleges…apparently some colleges want it by january 1??
<li> Amherst</li>
<li> Harvard</li>
<li> BU</li>
<li> Tufts</li>
<li> Cornell</li>
<li> JHU</li>
<li> GWU</li>
<li> Wesleyan</li>
<li> UVa: </li>
<li>U Mi: </li>
<li>Penn state</li>
<li>U Chicago</li>
<p>Woo, really important.</p>
<p>Most that I saw took January 31 or February 1st, but if anyone knows of ANY else, not just on this list, please post here.</p>
<p>yeah thats EXACTLY what i want to know, if anybody knows these aanswesr do tell</p>
<p>upenn wants by jan 1 i think</p>
css profile by feb. 1 (3434)
fafsa ASAP after jan. 1 (00468)
tax return by march 1</p>
css profile by feb. 1 (3003)
fafsa ASAP after jan. 1 (002115)
tax return by march 10</p>
css profile by feb. 1 (1565)
fafsa by feb. 1 (001739)
tax return by march 1</p>
<p>the others should be on the respective college finaid sites. good luck!</p>
<p>You can check the website of the college you are interested.</p>
<p>i know cornell wants it jan 1st</p>