Deans Scholarship/Honors?


<p>My son was recently awarded the Dean's Scholarship in the College of Engineering but has heard nothing about Honors...I'm think all Honors acceptances have already gone out. Does anyone know?</p>


<p>S emailed with them yesterday and was told Honors notifications would be out by April 1st.</p>

<p>NHM – I don’t think anyone has heard from Honors yet, so don’t worry. :)</p>

<p>Congrats on the Dean Scholarship…my S applied but did not get it. We are waiting on the Honors noification too. April 1st is what I heard.</p>

<p>When did they announce Dean/Davenport scholarships? Didn’t know they were out yet. How did you get notified? Was hoping for that possibility.</p>

<p>Golfengineer, you should have gotten an email… think it was a week or two ago, whether you got the scholarship or not.</p>

<p>S told me last night that someone in his class at school received a letter, either yesterday or the day before (S wasn’t clear), from Pamplin telling him that he’d been offered a one-time scholarship for “academic achievement/merit.” Any idea what that is? </p>

<p>Warning - semi-rant ahead:</p>

<p>I must say that Tech’s admissions/scholarships/merit awards process is by far the most “segmented” of any school we’ve seen. I don’t understand why they have to trickle out the information or make the process/timeline so vague. I mean, it’s fine to wait until April 1 to announce decisions – that’s certainly their perogative. But it’s another thing entirely when some kids start receiving acceptances weeks in advance of others, or some start hearing about financial aid/scholarships/merit awards days or weeks ahead of others, or apparently in some cases even before they’ve been formally offered admission! I don’t suppose it really matters in the long run, but I can’t help but worry that the entire school might be administered in the same disjointed fashion. I worry that each school, and each department within each school, just does its own thing in relative isolation of the others. There seems to be very little coordination between the schools, and between academic, administration, placement, etc. So I worry that S is more likely to fall through the cracks if he goes there vs. a school with a more centralized organization. </p>

<p>Someone talk me down, please! :(</p>

<p>@Dominar, I’m not a Tech parent (DD was accepted for Fall 2013) but I have spoken to several people whose kids have gone to Tech, UVA, JMU, and W&M - and they all say that the parent experience at Tech is the best with regard to communication and ease of use of online tools. I agree that it’s odd the way information trickles out, but it sounds like it will get better once the student is enrolled. I hope this information is reassuring.</p>

<p>Thanks B16. I guess we’ve been spoiled by how well some other schools (Alabama being far and away the best in terms of consistency, clarity, organization, coordination and responsiveness) have handled the application and scholarship process. It shouldn’t be this difficult, but it does help to know that there are others who have got it worse, LOL! I’ll try to be more patient, I guess. :)</p>

<p>I hope this doesn’t put you back out onto a limb Dominar but my son just received his honors acceptance and honors housing letter today. The postmark was March 27.</p>

<p>Well, S just told me he got his notice today too. Apparently, his 1520/2220 SAT, 4.45 GPA and IB course load wasn’t good enough for Honors???</p>

<p>Dominar… there’s a thread on here from last year about the odd choices Honors makes. Check it out… and S hasn’t received his letter yet (we’re in TX, probably on the pony express), but now I’m worried!</p>

<p>Good luck, granipc. I’m very disappointed. S hasn’t heard anything about merit $ but based on this, I’m not hopeful. I’m a VT grad, but am now encouraging S to accept Alabama’s offer. :(</p>

<p>My son got an email a couple of weeks ago for the Dean’s Scholarship. We have a banquet to attend Sunday night and we’ll be at the engineering open house on Monday. He’s pretty excited about it.</p>

<p>He did get a rejection on the honors application today. It does seem a little odd, but we would have wanted to stay in the Dean’s program and Galileo anyway. It would have been nice to get a little more money, though.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone for Dean’s/Davenport and Honors!</p>

<p>Congrats on Dean’s Scholarship NewHokieMom! But I do find it odd that he would be strong enough for that, but rejected from Honors. What the heck? My S is still deciding between VT and another school, and I have to say the other school is doing a MUCH better job of making him feel wanted and special. Nothing in our mail again today on Honors, I guess it wasn’t a joke when I said it was coming on the Pony Express!</p>

<p>NewHokieMom… please don’t take this wrong, but I’m baffled about your son’s Dean’s Scholarship. I went back and looked at his stats… my son had a 34 ACT (35 on math), and 1400 SAT (760 math), 4.62, 9 AP classes, excellent leadership and EC’s and very well written essays and he did not get Dean’s. Is there something I’m missing in your son’s stats that would have made him such a strong candidate out of 1000 apps for that scholarship? According to your previous post your son had an 1140 SAT, a 25 on the math ACT and a 4.26. It is not all need based, at least that was my understanding, so I’m wondering what his hook was? And again, AWESOME that he got it, but I’m starting to wonder a bit about VT’s selection process.</p>

<p>My son was admitted to the COE but was notified Friday by mail that he did not get into Honors. A little disappointed, but still glad for the COE acceptance.</p>

<p>Does anyone know of other merit money that you can get for VT? My son will probably have to scratch this great school off his list if there is no money available to help - we won’t qualify as need based.</p>

<p>I’m guessing his hook was his leadership. Eagle scout, varsity soccer and wrestling, Youth Ministry, Summer Camp Counselor, Youth soccer coach, student government officer, National Honor society counselor, student parish/school advisor, the list goes on. He’s an overachiever on the activities side.</p>

<p>And to be honest, I was surprised by the scholarship myself. But I did read somewhere that they look for candidates that excel in all areas of academics, leadership, etc. So I have to assume it’s the fact that he did so much and is the student leader that he is…(not being braggy, just honest)</p>

<p>That’s all great stuff… and sadly, my S has the same, as do I’m sure hundreds of the kids that applied. My S got a nomination to the Naval Academy, and you sure don’t get that by being a slacker on either the academic or leadership side. Wish I understood how these scholarship folks think…</p>