December act results thread

<p>i was aiming for a 33...................but got a 29!!!!</p>

<p>im just soooo not happy.</p>

<p>English 31 (thought i was going to get a 34)
Math 33 ( thought i was going to get a 30)
Reading 25 (!!!!! i thought i didnt do that bad)
Science 27
Writing = 9
C = 33</p>

<p>so i think i am going to sign up for february ACT.
i am really hoping for a 33+</p>

<p>What prep books should i use?
I cannot find anymore official tests.
I exhausted the REAL ACT and PR book.
Should i go through barrons 2009 ACT since its harder???</p>

<p>Advice please and feel free to discuss your scores as well.</p>

<p>So happy… shot for a 30 got a 32
Science- 33
Math- 33
Reading- 30
English- 30
English/Writing- 28–Essay 8
I thought i did better on the essay, but overall, i’m pretty happy</p>

<p>^^^ a 33 on science! WOW! any tips please?</p>

<p>Composite: 30 (My first time, with minimal prep)</p>

<p>English: 34
Math: 25 (Ouch. I ran out of time.)
Reading: 32
Science: 29</p>

<p>I’m pretty happy. About what I expected.</p>

<p>Composite: 32</p>

<p>English: 29
Math: 36
Reading: 30
Science: 34</p>

<p>This is the second time I took it and again my English and Reading scores are bringing down my composite. What kind of prep has anyone found helpful for either of those categories.</p>

I studied in the books, and didnt do as well, about 28-29 avg
The key for science for me was writing in the test, summarizing the charts so you dont have to meticulously look at them.
When i studied i used guides from the local library because i didnt have the time to buy ones at barnesandnoble, and not being able to write in it hurt–same thing with reading</p>

<p>I’m exactly opposite. Science and Math hurt mine.</p>

<p>Composite: 31</p>

Reading: 34
Math: 27
Science: 25</p>

<p>35, so happy!</p>

<p>Composite: 28</p>

<p>English: 30 (writing: 8)
Math: 33
Reading: 22 (ouch)
Science: 27</p>

<p>I am disappointed. I was hoping to get at least a 30 because I want to get in the UIUC business school. If only I did good on my reading, I didn’t understand a word those passages were saying. And I’ll probably never do this good on math or English again.</p>

<p>Composite: 27… :(</p>

<p>English: 26… (Writing: 10)
Math: 30…
Reading: 26…
Science: 27…</p>

<p>absolutely appalled.</p>

<p>ak2010 how many do you think you missed on the english section if any? Do you think -1 is still a 36? the only freaking one i had trouble one on the English was the dusty, back room one? comma needed or no? hahah i spent a good 5 minutes on that…</p>

<p>S’s scores (first time test taker - Junior)</p>

<p>Composite: 33
Math: 35
English: 35
Science: 30 (thrilled with this - randomly bubbled last 7 questions because he ran out of time)</p>

<p>Writing: 8 (not great but it is a secondary factor for the school he is looking at)</p>

<p>Will take again in February only because we had already registered for it. Needs 1 more point on 1 section to get to a 34 (had 33.25). </p>

<p>Great job to everyone on their scores!</p>

I think -1 on English was a 35, but I’m not sure.
Is there any way to know for sure by looking at the score report?</p>

<p>What was -1 on the math portion? Any chance of it being 36?</p>

<p>Composite: 30</p>

<p>English: 36
Math: 32
Reading: 33
Science: 20</p>

<p>Writing: 11</p>

<p>I’m hoping most of my schools accept a February test. The sad thing is that the only thing I prepped was my Science :(</p>

<p>Composite: 30 (first time taking it, and I’m not able to take it again)</p>

<p>English: 34
Math: 26 (ouch)
Reading: 32
Science: 28 </p>

<p>I’m surprised at my science score. I thought I did way worse than that with the amount of guessing I did.</p>

<p>Composite: 29</p>

<p>English: 28 (***)
Math: 29
Reading: 33
Science: 27 (i had to use the bathroom soo bad!!!)
Essay: 9</p>

<p>i was hoping for a higher english score (it’s normally my best), and science was about what i expected; i couldn’t concentrate at all. stupid vitamin water! Oh well lets go April!!!</p>

<p>Composite: 32</p>

<p>English: 31
Math: 33
Reading: 29
Science: 30</p>

<p>lithium…those subject scores don’t round to a 32 composite.</p>

<p>oh, combined english/writing is 31</p>