
<p>I applied to Lewis and Clark EA and just got a deferal letter in the mail. I am kind of freaking out because I thought it was a safety. Did this happen to anyone else?</p>

<p>i just applied RD, its a safety for me too, or so i thought. hopefully i dont get waitlisted or something.</p>

<p>I just got in EA with #'s average for them. I'm pretty sure that the cross-country coach there helped me out though.</p>

<p>I think I might be in the same boat mweis. I have above average science stuff and below average english. But I had contacted the cross coach so I may have gotten some help there. I got in EA with a 1850 on the new SAT. That was heavily weighted to math for me with a 740 math and 550 CR and 560 Writting. Best of luck to anyone applying RD or who got defered. If you have questions about what I did I will be more than happy to answer but I am probably not the most knowledgable person to ask.</p>

<p>Yea my ACT was a 26 and my SAT was 640/620/600.... I was captain of my cc team which also probably helped sway the coach.</p>

<p>Hey cyprus, did you have the average L&C GPA or above that? (I have around the same SAT as you do except CR&Writing are stronger..)</p>

<p>I have a weighted 4.05 and unweighted 3.72ish I don't know where those fall on the averages. Do know all my B's were in english and History I never got a B in math and science.</p>

<p>I got in EA. 30 ACT, 3.5 GPA, private school.<br>
Good luck if you got deferred!! It's a great school, and I'm pretty sad that I have to turn it down (I'm accepting an ED offer).</p>

<p>I had a 31 on the ACT, 710 and 760 on my SAT IIs, and a 3.2 with 8 total ap classes and 4 honors (a weighted 3.8) plus I had extracurriculars that were really in depth and unique. Oh well, they said my grades were really bad one year and have been improving and they wanted to see that they keep doing so, (they will)</p>