<p>Ehh I have been deferred already =( but at least I'm still in the "running".</p>
<p>I received a letter saying:
The Office of Admission at the University of Central Florida is pleased to receive your application, and has completed a preliminary review of your credentials. I know you are anxious to receive a decision, and we are certainly concerned about responding as quickly as possible to your request for admission. However, we also wish to ensure that we give your application every possible consideration.</p>
<p>Therefore, we are deferring our decision on your application until we receive additional credentials that may allow us to respond favorably. Please send us your new SAT and/or ACT scores as soon as possible. You may also wish to send other supporting documents, such as letters of recommendation from teachers or employers, or updated grades.
--- Rest other information "nice stuff"
-Executive Director</p>
<p>So my plan is to pray that I received a higher ACT score (up from a 17 to at least a 20-22) I'm not a strong test taker and have been taking ACT prep online and took SAT prep online as well and did horrible on the March and June SAT's. I also plan on talking to my college advisor about what I should do as well as submitting all of the credentials UCF would like to see so that I can hopefully become admitted. Didn't we also have to submit a resume? I have completed one for FSU and mailed another copy to Alabama.</p>
<p>I'm afraid me daughter will get deferred too for fall 09. I'm debating signing her up for another ACT in October. I need to make that decision today, it's the deadline for the last ACT for an early submission. </p>
<p>She just took the ACT last week and we are waiting on the scores. She needs to bump it up to feel confident about apply to Fall.</p>
<p>Good luck G and keep us posted on your progress and I'll do the same. I'm sure we're going to be hearing about alot of deferrals.</p>
<p>It was for summer of 2009, since it's easier of being accepted and to get acquainted with the school. I attend a parochial school here and Tampa with a 3.0 cumulative and a 3.4 weighted GPA with honors and dual enrollment credit with the local community college.</p>
<p>I'm sure it's because of my scores of being deferred due to receiving an 850 on the SAT and a 17 on the ACT. I prefer the ACT; I just wish I wasn't antsy and nervous when I took it for the 1st time in June. I took it again for the 2nd time in September and will take it again in December if my scores aren't sufficient or will end up taking the November SAT. I wish the best of luck to your daughter and to my "fellow" seniors because this application season seems more fierce than last year due to budget cuts etc.</p>
<p>Yes, take the ACT again. Relax and bump it up!</p>
<p>My daughter did better on the ACT than the SAT. I'm going to sign her up now for the October 25 ACT. Today is the last day to register without paying the $22 fee.</p>
<p>You should be hearing about your September ACT scores starting Wednesday. We are waiting for those too, then going to apply. They are already being sent there with the free report.</p>
<p>Remember, deadline is today if you want to take the ACT sooner, in October.</p>
<p>Yes I volunteered outside of school--hospital, inner-city youth groups, and schools. Have about 80 hours over a span of 4 years. Interned at an orthodontic office in Atlanta, Georgia in summer of 07.</p>
<p>I participated in Track & Field, KLU Club (Benefits children with pediatric cancer), Herpetology Club, Step Team, and SHAPE (Seniors mentoring freshman). I didn't send in recommendations from my teachers b/c according to my advisor only she has to sign the recommendation. But I will tell her I need teacher rec's ASAP! </p>
<p>Personally, I think I have everything it takes for admission I just think my current roadblock is the SAT/ACT. I wish all colleges had optional testing =( i.e. Wake Forest</p>
<p>3.5 weighted in-state(30 min away from Orlando) 22 ACT, EC include mostly volunteer work, but Im hoping to get some teachers write some recommendations since I didn't do that the 1st time =</p>
<p>My daughter was deferred, same thing, bring up the test score! Her figures are about the same as you Carol, but my daughter is out-of-state so we were happy that they didn't write her off immediately!</p>
<p>Good luck in taking the ACT test Saturday. My daughter will be there too hoping to bump up her score to send to UCF!</p>
<p>Wow, this year there seems to be a lot of early deferrals! It is most probably due to the trickle down effect of our current economy. More kids who used to go out of state are staying put for the lower tuition, bright futures and Florida Prepaid. Get the scores or grades up and you will get in. Good luck everyone.</p>
<p>D got accepted to FGCU but that is not her first choice, especially since she did get in to her #3 choice at East Carolina. She's also waiting on an admissions decision at FSU but that won't arrive until December 3rd. She's also waiting for a decision at USF but UCF and FSU are her #1 choices. </p>
<p>Anything else D can do to turn her defferal around at UCF? First semester grades don't come out until the middle of next month.</p>
<p>Hopefully you/your child got your test scores up on the Oct ACT or SAT. That is what seems to be the problem here. You/your child really needs to have an ACT score of at least 25 (SAT 1140, M/CR) for admission to UCF in this competitive year. Last year, I know of many kids with just a 1080 SAT (about a 23 ACT equiv.)who got accepted at UCF but this year, from our area, no one got in yet (all defers) with less than an 1120. I say "yet" because last year, four of the five kids who I know who were deferred, were admitted in February-March. Most UCF kids have at least a 3.5 weighted GPA.</p>
<p>My daughter received her deferred status just last Friday and to her surprise! yesterday her application was updated to ADMIT for Summer 2009! Now we have all kinds of questions and I was hoping that some of you experts could walk us through. We are out of state (from NJ) and need some information on how summer session works with housing, and what the next step is. She is my one and only daughter and so, this is my first experience with all of this, so needless to say, I am a bit nervous. IF she moves into a dorm for summer session, will she have to move out at the end of summer and then move in again two weeks later for fall? If so, what do we do with all of her things? When do we apply for housing? Is there an orientation for Summer term? Thanks to all who respond.</p>
<p>Congratulations! You both must be thrilled and relieved. If she moves into a dorm for summer she WILL need to move out for the two weeks before she can move into her fall dorm room. The housing website has a link to short-term storage facilities that you can rent. You apply for housing at the beginning of December but do not get to pick which dorms you are interested in until the spring. There is a two day orientation (that begins in May) for summer term and most of the out of state kids do the last available one (at the end of June) because then they just stay (saves a second trip) and can just move into the dorm early. They do have a special "learning community" for out of state kids and the OOS kids can elect to live in a dorm with other out of state kids. This is definitely a good idea initially, until your child is acclimated to UCF and has found a niche.</p>
<p>Thanks for the response. We are thrilled since UCF was her first choice. Now we are just waiting for her best friend to see if she gets admitted. Do you know which is the "learning community" for OOS students? How do we know when to apply for housing in December, does the school notify us or do we just keep checking the website? Is taking 9 credits in six weeks of Summer session too difficult for a freshman or a good way to get some of the basics out of the way?</p>
<p>The housing website will have more information on when to apply in a few weeks. Last year it was December 3rd. I would check the website toward the end of November...click on campus life and then click on the housing link. During summer B your daughter will take 6 credits. Nine is too many for a FTIC. Six credits is two classes and they meet everyday, Monday to Thursday (no Friday's in summer) for 6 weeks with the final exam being the last class period. I suggest she start with English composition OR American History (general education requirements) and one other easier class ...like survey of film. Math is very difficult to do in 6 weeks unless it really is her thing.</p>
<p>Hi,I just found this website while searching for info about my daughter’s deferral to FSU until she retakes the ACT and SAT. We knew that she didn’t do real well on the standardized tests but figured that her grades thus far would speak loud enough. Her deferral arrived this morning and she was devastated. UF is really her top choice and now she knows that there is no chance. She has a 3.73 with quite a few classes from our local community college. She’s been on swim and dance teams for all four years. But her ACT score is 26 and her SAT is 1170. (she’s taken them several times). I believe that FSU is willing to “split” ACT scores which gives her a 28 in Math. She suffers with reading/writing. FSU accepted lots of kids from her high school last year who had not done nearly as well as she has. She’s devastated. She’s been accepted to South Florida and Alabama into their Engineering programs already but UF is her top choice (February is when they send out their acceptance/non emails) and FSU is her second choice. I’m guessing that we should get her enrolled in one of the prep classes. Do you all think that the online classes for SAT/ACT prep are good or is a classroom setting more effective. Her schedule is crazy and online would work better for her. Any advice on the best online classes? There seem to be so many to choose from. And, I’d like to avoid spending too, too much right now. She’s interning at a local chemical company in their lab. Oh, she’s full-time dual enrollment at the community college now and was crying this morning because she has a B in Calculus. Does anyone know if admissions offices look at this B more favorably considering that she’s at a local college? Thanks. I’m so upset for her. We’ve been telling her that FSU would be a definite but UF was where the big question regarding admission was. Any thoughts would help. She’s going into Chemical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering (hopes to go on to earn her Master’s after four years). Thanks and has anyone else been deferred from FSU this morning?</p>