Denied/Academic Expectations

Hi: I am looking for your inputs. I applied for Computer Science Major but got rejected ‘Denied-Academic Expectations’. Actually I had intended to apply for Software Engineering which I thought would be a less impact major (considering my low GPA). But in the application, there is no place where I could select Software Engineering. I had a great expectation and hope about getting in, when I got the reject letter,I was pretty disappointed. But I definitely want to try and get into Purdue as any other appropriate major. Can I appeal for software engineering? If yes, how do I make sure if I am considered for SE? I am interested in Science majors. What other major other than SE that I could try? I heard EE is more competitive than CS/SE. Thanks.

May be my request for info is not clear. Lot of people looking but no answer. Thanks in advance for your inputs.

Software Engineering is a concentration area within the Computer Science dept./degree. Therefore you cannot apply for a Software Engineering degree. Within the College of Engineering there is a Computer Engineering degree coupled with EE, but that’s hardware mainly. Only other way, I imagine, to get into the College of Science is to go for maybe a math degree or something similar then move over to CS if possible.