Departmental Scholarships and Declared Major

<p>To receive departmental scholarships as an incoming freshman, do I need to have a certain major declared on my application? For instance, if I want to double major in karate and basket weaving, and basket weaving offers 5 grand a year, but I declare karate on the application, am I no longer eligible for the basket weaving scholarship?</p>

<p>You can only declare ONE major on your application, so declare the one that might offer a scholarship. </p>

<p>This really applies mostly to engineering. If someone was going to double major in eng’g and physics, then declare eng’g. </p>

<p>A student can’t name a second major until after he starts at the univ.</p>

<p>DS is an ECE/Physics major and he received scholarships from both departments. The engineering scholarship was automatic but he had to apply and write a short essay about his interest in physics for the physics departmental scholarship. He learned about the physics scholarship when we visited UA. Both scholarships were renewed for his second year automatically. I would encourage anyone interested in departmental scholarships to contact the department and ask about them.</p>

<p>I also know someone who received a nice dept. scholarship in the arts. Apparently different departments do offer them.</p>

<p>Yes, there are some talent scholarships as well…music, the arts, theater, etc. </p>

<p>There are some Col of Education scholarships, too. </p>

<p>Good to know about amc’s situation. That is rare though.</p>

<p>amcm4klm3, hate to hijack the thread but would be interested in what your opinions/info is re: physics at UA. The web page is really light.</p>

<p>AL34- DS will start 2nd year at UA therefore his exposure to UA Physics is not that extensive. His high school did not offer AP Physics and DS decided not to CLEP it because he wanted a strong base in Physics. However, shortly after his first semester, he regretted his decision and wishes he would have taken the CLEP. He has taken PH 105 and PH106 and did very well in both, partially because the material was already familiar to him but mostly because he is a very disciplined and intelligent young man.
The “can do attitude” displayed by both ECE and Physics department when DS visited and explained his dual major degree plan, is what persuaded DS to attend UA.
Since you are a senior member, perhaps you can give me more opinions/info than I can…</p>

<p>Thanks for the info - I have no input here, I was asking for my younger son who is looking at schools now. DS1 had no interaction with physics at UA and doesn’t know any physics majors so we’re starting from scratch. Amazes me the different levels of info from the different colleges’ websites. It’s usually the first contact with a student. UA has a lot of info but not as easy to get to, definitely better than some though.</p>