<p>Hi guys, this is my first time posting on college confidential.</p>
<p>And would like some advice on how I've been going about my college life so far.</p>
<p>Right now, I'm a third year undergraduate, majoring in English, possibly double majoring in Asian American studies, and minoring in Film.</p>
<p>I've reached out on a mindfulness healing forum but I don't think I've gotten around enough to telling the picture about why I feel down and lost in college. But after a while, I'm more clearer on my issues and I'm really curious if there is someone out there who can help me out on this. Aside from my therapist.</p>
<p>Here's my problem:</p>
<p>For 2 years, I've been living a life where I never got out of feeling lost in college. And I mean this on a social level. I basically was a guy, that when I went around, I didn't really get into connecting with people on a genuine basis. College has been a depressing time. </p>
<p>And I remember being more motivated in high school, finding things like community service, filmmaking, and literature, to really fill up my heart. And have that be my guiding light in the future.</p>
<p>In college, what happened was that I forgot how to stay true to myself when it came to meeting people.</p>
<p>I'm realizing that there's been a mental rut that's been holding me back from really being happy with what I've got so far in college.</p>
<p>And as I peek into the future, I'm not sure what to do.</p>
<p>In college, I was overtaken by the vast majority of people, experience, and events that were in front of me and quite frankly, I acted awkward in the midst of it. I met so many people, but ended up with very little to no true friendships in which I felt as if I was personally attached.</p>
<p>On top of this, I felt like I had lost a passion for my life which existed before college.</p>
<p>I'm not sure who out there can relate, but has there been a time in your life where you forgot how to be yourself? And that phase lasted for a long time? A very long time?</p>
<p>Basically, I'm awakening to that right now. I remember my year on my first floor, and feeling out of place, and never really seeing how to get out of it. As well as my situation with my roommates that year.</p>
<p>And I'd join different club activities, still forgot how to feel at ease with people in a way which felt true to my own identity as my own human being.</p>
<p>As time goes on, I'm realizing that ****, I am not happy. I need help. I'm seeing a therapist right now to go over my situation and I'm slowly trying to figure out who, out there can kind of consistently lend me a hand. </p>
<p>I know in the past, before college, I had a better sense of where I saw for friends which I felt like could last a lifetime. But like, right now, I just am not sure of what to do. Other than, look back at certain video/picture files, analyzing the kind of person I was and the person I need to be from now on, but at the same time, I feel like I'm the only one who's taking this look from the inside out. </p>
<p>A lot of people right now, I feel like, in college, have yet to see the real me blossom out because of my lost phase in college and out of that fact, I don't know who can kind of help me out right now as far as seeing this. I think I recognize my need for a better life overall.</p>
<p>I'm curious if there's anyone that can relate to this experience of mine.</p>