<p>The only time I talk to my high school counselor is every 2-3 months. He is easy to talk to but he is always busy. I only talk to him if I have a problem with my classes. Although, in my junior year, I will probably talk to him more in regards to the college process and financial aid. I don't think he even knows my name. :(</p>
<p>I hate her with a passion ever since she made me miss the deadline for my two dual enrollment classes. We’ve only met twice, once when she told me the wrong date when the forms were due and the other when she told me I was a week too late for the deadline for them (although I was turning them in a week before SHE told me they were due), then she had the nerve to tell me “you should have paid more attention when I told you the due date a month ago.” I really hate her and refuse to see her unless it’s mandatory.</p>
<p>You’re only a sophomore, you have plenty of time to get to know him.</p>
<p>The only time I’ve talked to him was to get schedule changes.</p>
<p>Lol, I had one counselor for my first two years (with whom I grew to be rather close), another counselor my junior year (who I rarely talked to and then only under strict formality), and an entirely different counselor this year.</p>
<p>My current counselor’s a rather pleasant person to be around and I’ve talked with her quite a bit about random stuff, lol. I’ve spent maybe 3 hours or so discussing my passions and interests (we were trying to come up with some colleges for me to go to then), maybe another hour and a half talking strictly about academic junk, and another ~2 hours discussing various things – I spent about half an hour telling her about my thanksgiving break escapades, for example, and she’s divulged a few of her own stories as well.</p>
<p>My actual counselor is out on leave, which is good for me, because in my four years at this school I’ve talked to her twice. My absentee counselor is one of my gay-straight alliance advisers and is much friendlier and knows much more about me, so we talk every three or so weeks.</p>
<p>My school doesn’t really have one “counselor” assigned to me.</p>
<p>For personal counseling (like about being unhappy) I go to my class’s guidance counselor
For college counseling I go to my college counselor
To change my schedule I go straight to the academic dean
If I have detention or want to leave early I go to the dean of students
For problems with academics I’m supposed talk to my “mentor”, one of the teachers at my school, and they’ll network with other teachers to get me help.</p>
<p>It seems wierd to me to have a catch-all type of person.</p>
<p>she thinks i’ma genius and gave me sick recs. i go to her on a daily basis for candy canes and chocolate.</p>
<p>U have no reason to worry. Mine didn’t no my name until junior year(last year), when i signed up for calc 2 at a local comm college.</p>
<p>I harass mine.</p>
<p>I don’t feel bad, though. It’s not like she ever answers my questions. I have to keep rewording my questions to get the right nod.</p>
Me: “Does 2 + 3 = 4?”
Her: -shakes head, no-
Me: “Does 2+ 2 = 4?”
Her: “Yes.”</p>
<p>When it should be…
Me: “Does 2 + 3 = 4?”
Her: “No. That equals five. Two plus two is four.”</p>
<p>Whatever, though. I don’t care. A year more of her ass.</p>
<p>Hmm, I’ve known my counselor since like September-ish, because I came in since i’m the ONLY PERSON AT MY 4000 STUDENT SCHOOL [gaaaaaah my school srsly sucks] to get NMSF, and she was like “oooh! ahhh! you’re amazing!” and wrote me spectacular recommendation letters, haha. She’s nice though :]</p>
<p>Do you mean ever? Because only 1,000 of those kids are in your class. ;)</p>
<p>I go to a small school so I’m pretty tight with my college counselor. Our school has us write a kind of ‘auto-biography’ before senior year so they can get to know us better.</p>
<p>Talking to My Counselor is like…
wow, i havent really talked to my counselor.
i’ve tried but its too hard a task.
and i get the feeling that what i have to say is insignificant to the gossip that
she so proudly chats about with both staff and students;)</p>
<p>The lady scares the **** out of me every time I go into her office. There are two chairs in her room, and when I sit in one of them, she always asks me to switch to the other one. This has repeated about eight times, and it confuses me so much.
She just sits there and laughs out loudly at every word I say. She doesn’t let me read her recommendations or any of my teacher’s recommendations, and I’m very scared!!!</p>
<p>Well I know my counselor pretty well. I can pretty much talk to him anytime I want about anything, but when it comes to college he is pretty useless. lol truth hurts.</p>
<p>I don’t trust my obese counselor because of obvious reasons; he doesn’t deserve it. Mind you, he really just doesn’t care.</p>
<p>For personal counseling (like about being unhappy) I go to my class’s guidance counselor
For college counseling I go to my college counselor
To change my schedule I go straight to the academic dean
If I have detention or want to leave early I go to the dean of students
For problems with academics I’m supposed talk to my “mentor”, one of the teachers at my school, and they’ll network with other teachers to get me help.</p>
<p>I kind of have that. I actually go to the freshman councelor. (HA!) because my grade level councelor ****es me off.
We have mentors too. Mine is great. I talked to him all the time before he was my mentor.
Schedule changes I go to the freshman coucelor for the more complicated issues, unless they actually directly apply to my grade level that the freshman councelor doesn’t know about.
We have a “Career Councelor” instead of a “College Councelor”. Haven’t been yet. Dreading it. WHen a school encourages a career councelor over a college councelor, to me something is slightly off.
I’m going to get my recs from the freshman councelor though. He actually knows my name.</p>
<p>My counselor is pretty lazy… but he’s really nice. He let’s me do anything I want.</p>
<p>I love my guidance counselor because I was lucky enough to get the Princeton graduate one. She is so smart and knows things about me that even I do not know. Anyway, she loves me because we share so many similarities and after telling her about the divorce in my family, she almost cried. Also, each student has a scheduled 30 minute college interview with the guidance counselor for letters, but she wanted to know every facet of my life, and extended it to 2 hours! It’s pretty amazing how a guidance counselor who has about 200-250 kids can know someone so well. If only colleges based acceptances on guidance letters, then I would be going to Harvard…</p>
<p>I have a new counselor for this year since my last one just retired. So far in the school year, she’s seen me cry and whine about my parents, run away from home for a day, and turn forms late. I must seem like a mentally fragile weirdo (but artistic!, hopefully, since she stumbled on one of my paintings today).</p>
<p>Anyway, she seems to be pretty busy and unwilling to talk to me for an extended period of time (shares my opinion) but means well. Doesn’t have much expertise about the college process, it appears. -___-'</p>
<p>shes been late on a few of my college applications but shes really nice and we get along really well but she isnt the best at college type stuff. shes really good at high school stuff but when you need to get tests and things for college nah </p>
<p>of course shes the ONLY counselor at my k-12 school so its somewhat justified</p>