<p>Well, I got back my SATII MathIIC scores, and to be honest, I don't know how this could have happened. I, somehow, got a 600. Since I had this score sent to RPI, how much of a detriment is it? Here are some other stats about me, if it helps:</p>
<p>GPA (UW): ~3.8
Rank: School doesn't rank, but I'm within the top 1-2 students (out of ~30, it's a small school)
ACT composite: 30 (retook, waiting for results)
ACT math: 26
ACT science: 35
ACT english: 32
ACT reading: 26 </p>
<p>ECs: Electronics hobby projects, open source contributor, school technology contributor
Recommendations: Quite positive.</p>
<p>I'm just really afraid that the admissions committee is going to open up my file, look at that score, and reach for the big "REJECTED" stamp. Am I worrying too much?</p>
<p>I think you’re worrying a bit too much (though it is somewhat justified)…especially if your ACT score increases</p>
<p>You GPA is good and so are your ECs, I think RPI should be a match school for you</p>
<p>Well, I got my ACT scores back from the December test. They’re much improved, except for science:
32 Eng
33 Math
33 Reading
25 Science
31 Composite</p>
<p>My only concern is that they might not make it to RPI in time for consideration
It’ll probably be another week or two before they send the scores, as they still haven’t scored the writing test. If they get there within the next two weeks, will RPI consider them?</p>
<p>Your science went from 35 to 25? I don’t know how that will look on the application. </p>
<p>Seriously though, I think you should be okay. If it gets there within two weeks, it will still be before the January 15th deadline
<p>Good luck!</p>
It was a rather rough science section this time. I ended up running out of time, even though I did so well in time management on other sections! :/</p>
<p>Does RPI pick the highest overall scores or only the highest scores in a single seating?</p>
<p>I am not sure…I think it’s the highest overall score. Maybe you should ask the admissions office</p>