Difference being listed as Hispanic/Multiracial

<p>My son's HS transcript lists him as multiracial (M). He is half hispanic since I was born in Cuba. Will college recruiters/adcom's view this any differently then if he listed as hispanic in HS?</p>

<p>The US Dept. of Ed. has issued new standards for the wording for ethnic and racial identities. Most public school systems have begun the change-over this year, and I expect the colleges/universities to follow. I'd post a link here, but don't have one handy. Chances are your kid will get to choose what to check off and what not to check off for himself. Don't worry about this one.</p>

Will college recruiters/adcom's view this any differently then if he listed as hispanic in HS?


<p>While it is good to have Hispanic on his HS record, the important thing is that he marks Hispanic on his college applications. He will be considered along with the other Hispanic applicants. It is also good to mark Hispanic whenever he takes a SAT or ACT test.</p>

<p>^^^ update on this, I forgot about NHRP (see the sticky thread on this forum) which requires the HS GC to verify ethnicity. Therefore, you should make sure that if your child is listed as multicultural, that they also note which ethnicities/races they are.</p>