Diversity weekend opportunities

<p>Here is an updated list of Diversity weekend opportunities:</p>

<p>Washington University St. Louis
Carleton College
Pitzer College
Swarthmore College
Tufts University
Oberlin College
Amherst College
UNC (for EA applicants)
Texas A&M
Colorado College

<p>Remember, some of these are a couple of years old, so interested parties need to check with each college for current programs.</p>

<p>I am working on a compendium with links and contact information where possible. I’ll link to it here when I finish (going to post in main forum to reach more people).</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for taking the time to do the research and post your findings!</p>


<p>thank you for your post. It is very helpful. It is nice to see schools making an effort to attract Hispanic students to their schools and on their own dimes.</p>

<p>Ds got a diversity weekend invite from Tufts today to be held on Oct. 29-30. Bus transportation from NYC is provided but they have travel grants available if you need them to cover the cost of airfare. Must apply by Oct… 16 for invite etc. Hard copy invitation.</p>

<p>Also American University is having a diversity showcase on Oct. 12. Directed specifically at URM If you want to spend the night, AU is hosting a Diversity Overnight Program on Nov. 12th. No mention of airfare. Also a Hard copy invite received today.</p>

<p>I’ll post any others he gets.</p>

<p>Adding Ohio State who has opportunities for paid overnight visits for in-state and OOS students:</p>

<p>[OSU</a> Office of Minority Affairs | Overnight Visit Requirements](<a href=“http://oma.osu.edu/future-students/morrill-scholars-program/overnight-visit-requirements.php]OSU”>http://oma.osu.edu/future-students/morrill-scholars-program/overnight-visit-requirements.php)</p>

<p>The University of Vermont has a fall diversity program called “Discovering UVM”.</p>

<p>This program, geared toward students from underrepresented groups, welcomes high school students from as close as Vermont to as far away as the Dominican Republic.
Let us assist you with your college search — explore academic and extracurricular offerings at UVM. Spend two days in our residence halls with a UVM student host, attend a class, and learn about the college application process. Discovering UVM participants will receive free room and board for the program. Applicants may apply for a travel grant to help with the cost of traveling to UVM. Join us!

<p>[Visiting</a> : University of Vermont](<a href=“http://www.uvm.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visiting/?Page=discover.html]Visiting”>http://www.uvm.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visiting/?Page=discover.html)</p>

<p>Update for Ohio State. I spoke to Donya Gibson in the Office of Minority Affairs today about my DS attending an overnight weekend. Since the rsvp time had passed for his purposed date, the registrar had to fax his transcript. So if you are interested in attending, you should call her right away. Look at the minority affairs website link posted above. Under the Morrell Scholars Program, look at events and you will see the dates of the visits. Ohio State will pay for your plane ticket and hotel. You have to fax them your transcript and SAT score.</p>

<p>Hope this is helpful.</p>

<p>My son today got an accepted invitation into Ohio State’s “Scarlett and Great” event through the Office of Minority Affairs. YEA!!, He is very excited to attend. They are paying for his airfare and one night and hotel and food. It looks like a very nicely organized event for about 25 out of state students.</p>

<p>DS just got invite to Pitzer’s diversity weekend. Application due oct. 9. I can’t get the link to work but if you call Constance Perez at 1-800-pitzer1 she will have more info. Hope this is helpful</p>

<p>Anyone hear from Pomona?</p>

<p>^ Pomona’s deadline for the second (and last) diversity weekend was October 13th. I missed it and called their office today about it. They told me selecting was already finished :/</p>

<p>Ds contacted Pomona more than a year ago and never heard back from anyone in the office. He crossed it off his list.</p>

<p>^Pomona is absolutely terrible about replying to student emails. I asked about state representation once and waited 6 months before following up with the dean and finally getting a (vague) answer.</p>

<p>Good thing he didn’t take it personally. :D</p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind as you visit schools during their Diversity Weekends is that the schools are doing everything they can that weekend to get you interested. This can range from tons of performances to better food in the dinning halls. Make sure the student speaks with current students about what a normal weekend is like. Also, the student should also speak with students not running the diversity events to get a feel for what a typical student (and not a representative of the organization) says about the school. This way you can really understand what the school is like while having a great experience. </p>

<p>Hope this helps</p>

<p>Also you should add RPI and Lehigh to that list. I went to both of those fully paid. Also one in Missouri. RPI is also available to women of any ethnicity (though only male minorities).</p>

<p>^lucky, thanks for the additions!</p>

<p>^^Would you be able to share specific links and/or program names?</p>