Division of General Studies Question/COB chances

<p>If I get declined for the college of business, but I'm good enough to make Division of General Studies, will they offer that to me? Also, how easy would it be to transfer to accounting once I am in the division of general studies. Here's my stats just so I can see what I have a shot at making:</p>

<li>Major: Business (Accounting or Finance)</li>
<li>White, in-state male, Junior in H.S.</li>
<li>Weighted GPA: 4.04, Unweighted: 3.95</li>
<li>Class Rank: 40/581 (that's top 6-7%)</li>
<li>ACT: 27 (will take it multiple more times), SAT: 1850 (will take once more)</li>
<li>5 AP's, 9 Honors, 14 total</li>
<li>Peer Tutoring since sophomore year</li>
<li>Part time job 15-25 hrs a week since end of sophomore year</li>
<li>Other EC's: Football Freshman year (1 term), FBLA Sophomore year (2 terms)</li>
<li>Volunteer work throughout Junior and Senior Year</li>
<li>Play guitar every day w/ weekly lessons since Freshman year (outside of school)</li>
<li>Plan to write a great admissions essay by the Nov 1 Priority Period</li>

<p>They will automatically consider you for DGS if you are denied from your college.</p>

<p>Transferring to the CoB is quite difficult because the program is full. That’s also why the Business undergrad admissions is actually harder than engineering at the moment.</p>