Do I have a chance at the University of Alabama?

Well I am accepted 100% just paid the deposit and second, I do NOT want to attend a community college I am doing what I WANT and have always wanted and not letting people tell me what to do this time and third, the out of state tuition. As I said in a previous reply my finances are in order. I have been saving up for college since the day I started taco bell in high school back in 2012 and continued with the job I’ve had since then. I have the money and if it isn’t enough (which it is) I will take as many student loans as I have to because this is not just for a degree. This is for my happiness and a life time of memories. No matter where I go, there will be student loans I have to pay but MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING. The finances are not of concern to me.

For anyone worried about if you can or can not get into the University of Alabama like I was: TRY and DO NOT GIVE UP! I have had more people try to discourage me than support me, people who were friends and family that I figured would support me. Just apply and if you don’t get accepted for that semester still DO NOT GIVE UP! Go retake the ACT again just study like crazy get a tutor if you have to. I only made a 21 on the ACT and had a 3.1 gpa and still got in. Submit an essay and recommendations and don’t take no for an answer. I drove to AL from TN just to deliver the essay and recommendations to ensure they got there before my transcripts. If you want something bad enough you’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

OP I just hate for you to borrow max amounts the first couple of years, and then realize you are accruing so much debt.

The goal is to complete a college degree at UA.

Please try to listen to financial reason. Obtain coursework cheaper until you qualify for in-state.

I know a fellow that took out max loans, and although he was ‘smart’, his parents and he were not smart in many ways (parents didn’t have health insurance, gambling that they could go w/o, and dad has incurable cancer so parents cannot help their son financially). He was in-state, attending UA. He owed a balance, so he could not enroll elsewhere until paying off the balance (living at home and going to CC). He ended up scoring high on military testing, and has joined. He can finish his degree with GI bill and maybe continue a career in military. Since he had some college, he has gone in a rank above others.

I totally get your enthusiasm. As a parent, I am so enthusiastic for the opportunity for DD.

I have been saving up for college since the day I started taco bell in high school back in 2012 and continued with the job I’ve had since then. I have the money and if it isn’t enough (which it is) I will take as many student loans as I have to because this is not just for a degree. This is for my happiness and a life time of memories. No matter where I go, there will be student loans I have to pay but MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING. The finances are not of concern to me.




Congrats on your acceptance.

We’re concerned because you may have been looking at the “per semester” cost, not the annual cost.

I know that you’ve been working hard and saving, but it’s doubtful that you’ve saved over $100,000.

And you can only borrow the following amounts…

Frosh $5,500
Soph $6,500
Jr $7,500
Sr $7,500

The Below Costs are PER have to DOUBLE these costs to get the annual costs.

<pre><code>                             Alabama Resident   Non-Resident

Tuition PER SEMESTER                   $5,085.00    $12,975.00
College/Course Fees2                 400.00        400.00
Dining Dollars Account3              325.00        325.00
Meal Plan4                   1,715.00               1,715.00
Residential Hall Room5             4,400.00       4,400.00
Parking Decal6                       340.00         340.00
Books and Supplies               600.00         600.00
Totals7                               $12,865.00    $20,755.00
Annual costs approx.............$26,000.00........$42,000.00  per year

As you can see, the annual cost of attendance is over $40,000 per year. That will be $160,000 total for four years.

Were you looking at the “per semester” cost or the annual cost?

n. I have the money and if it isn't enough (which it is) >>>


Are you saying that you have more than $100,000 saved? Because you can only borrow about $30k max total for all four years.

You know I thought this site was honestly to HELP people not discourage them. My finances are honestly none of anyone’s business accept for mine and the finical aid adviser. If you MUST know, I have an insurance policy coming from a deceased parent the day I turn 21 (in 2 months) that will give me enough. I assumed saying my finances were stable would be efficient enough to avoid the conversation of how I will afford to go here. You may mean well and I thank you for the help but your input comes off extremely discouraging and in no way supporting. Yes, I can read on the website where it says per semester. Thank you for everyone’s input, but I am going to the University of Alabama regardless of what anyone has to say. And before I catch anything of “Why were you saving up if you have and insurance claim?” because surprisingly I am actually pretty responsible and realize money does run out. I am aware that in order to achieve the grades I have set my goals for, a job right off the bat is probably not in my best interest. Thanks for the input, good luck to anyone trying to pursue the University of Alabama or any other college!!!

I am so sorry you lost a parent @RollTideRoll5150 . Your enthusiasm for UA is wonderful and inspiring. Great job getting over so many obstacles that were placed in your path.

Many of us here are parents, and we post from the parent mind-set. The responses above are from people who absolutely LOVE UA, and they want others to know how special UA is. They don’t intend to sound discouraging - of that I am 100% sure. A wise person listens to good counsel. They are giving you good counsel.

As a parent I would not want you to get in over your head but it sounds like you have thought all this through. Wishing you much luck and happiness in Tuscaloosa! You might see my son there next year! :slight_smile:

Also, there are federal loans for students who are not in a position like me that far bypass the tuition of the University of Alabama. With that said, thank you to everyone who answered the questions I had. With that being said, I will not be logging on to this forum any more but I hope it helps some else wondering their chances at this great university.

Don’t leave RTR - how are we supposed to cheer on your successes at UA if you don’t keep us posted?


@RollTideRoll5150 - some of the above posters were trying to help you rather than hurt your feelings.

I am sorry that you’ve lost a parent.

Please understand that w/o the knowledge that you’d soon be receiving money from a life insurance policy, it appeared that you misunderstood how much the school cost AND how much you could borrow.

You’ve mentioned that you’re “on your own”, so naturally that would suggest that you wouldn’t have a qualified parent co-signer for loans more than $5,500 freshman year.

Your posts also suggested that the money for college was coming from savings from your jobs, so natually that also caused concern that you may have been looking at the per semester cost.

You also mentioned something about trying for scholarships, so that also was confusing.

there are federal loans for students who are not in a position like me that far bypass the tuition of the University of Alabama.



Sorry, but there aren’t. There are federal loans for PARENTS who willl borrow those large amounts for undergrad, but there are NOT large federal loans for undergrad students that could cover the OOS tuition. Even an undergrad who is over age 25 could only borrow $12,500 …and that would only be for his senior year.

PARENTS who can qualify can take out Plus Loans for large amounts. Undergrads cannot. The federal gov’t limits their loans to Direct Loan amounts and Perkins Loans amounts.

That is why we were concerned. We didn’t want you to get your hopes up (about loans, etc), and then find out that you would need a qualified parent to take out that loan.


Again, I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve lost a parent. Now that it’s clear that you will soon have the funds, we won’t be concerned about affordability.

Roll Tide!