Do i have a chance in hell?

<p>Hi my name is Tristan, I'm currently a sophmore in high school in CA. And i have been looking at this site for quite a while now. And i was wondering if i even had a chance to make to Alabama or let alone any major University. Well first off last year my grades were poor like really bad I'm talking like Gpa of 1.7 or something around there, i know its bad.I changed schools twice and was just having a lot of personal issues at the time. But at the end of last year when i joined track i immediately fell i love with the sport and i was determined to better in school and make something out my opportunity. So so far this year im doing good and im staying on the right track with A's and B's , but i was wondering if i were even to get perfect grades for the rest of high school would it even matter? Would my GPA even go up to a 3. whatever that would get me into a University? I was just curious because if im going to work hard i want to know that it will at least pay off in the end.</p>

<p>So that's basically it so would my GPA go up if i got my good grades? Because i would love to go to Alabama or Auburn or Florida or even Texas A&M, etc you get the idea. " I Don't want to go to a instate University and money wont be a problem"</p>

<p>By the way im running Track again this year and for the next 2 years for my High School and last year i did pretty good fro a freshman running a 56 in the 400 and i have my trainer who i work with almost daily, because im trying to get a scholorship for Track but even i know that will be extremely tough. So thats all guys/girls any info or support would be helpful THANK YOU FOR READING THIS TAKE CARE!!</p>