Do I have a chance of getting in?

<p>Out of state, asian student</p>

<p>GPA- 3.6 uw
SAT- M:660 W:770 CR:750
5 AP's and 1 IB class (junior + senior years).
IB certificate program</p>

<p>Guitar- 5 years
Indoor Track
Freshman Baseball
JV Volleyball
Madden Club
Gifted and Talented
Olde English F Award
Spanish NHS
Reporter-editor of school paper
Empire State Games volunteer
Little league baseball umpire
Camp College Prep
Who's who in America's students (whatever it's called)
Lead America- Youth Leadership Conferences
250+ hours of community-volunteer work
Went to Peru to help teach people english, volunteer.</p>

<p>You got a 2200 on the SAT (1410 on the original 2 sections) and hold a 3.6 UW GPA. You definitely have a chance, and not a bad one at that. I'd say Michigan is a match for you.</p>

<p>3.6 in IB is really good. I say match. But I'm not admitted yet, so don't take my word. It's just an opinion.</p>

<p>Nice E.C's.....</p>

<p>who's who doesn't do anything for your app.</p>

<p>Oooh, I was invited to be in the "who's who" book, but my mom wouldn't let me becuase she thought that it was a scam. lol. I thought that it was something that was only awarded to a small percentage of people, but I have heard numerous people in my school talking about getting invited to be in the book.......</p>

<p>What college/school in UM are you trying to get into ?</p>

<p>it is a scam. my friend has some variant of a 900 on her SATs and got asked, <em>snort</em></p>

<p>yea it's pretty worthless, they ask you to buy an enormous book which is rediculously high-priced for what it is-a description of HS students across the nation and how they are good or something like that. I think i sent in to be in it but I never bought the book since it was the biggest waste of money ever.</p>