Do I have a chance with my ACT/SAT

<p>Well I got a 27 on the act and a 1850 on the SAT, and I was wondering if that is between the middle 50% percentile for GWU, or will it hurt me in admissions. And I am also wondering since the rigor of your classes is very important will me being a Full IB Student sort of weigh out the 27 ACT. BTW I have a 94 gpa and tons of EC's and great recommendations and essays.</p>

<p>Everything will depend on your whole application. your info is not complete for me to say yes nor no. I’m sorry, I can’t help you right now, but good luck</p>

<p>Your test scores are (obviously) weak. Do you have time to retake, or take the SATs instead? What about SATII subject tests? You’re competing against people who have great test scores, great essays, great ECs, etc… And, yes, rigorous classes help. But, if they’re so rigorous, why are your test scores average/weak (average in general, weak for top tier schools)?</p>

<p>I would still apply, but be realistic about where a 27 can get you.</p>

<p>they’re not HORRIBLY weak (the act score is in the range but the sat is on the significantly lower side) but you will need a strong gpa and strong extracurriculars and essays to balance it out and make your chances better.
i’d say you definitely have a chance but maybe don’t count on any merit awards</p>

<p>AHSK, do you know you can answer this question for yourself about virtually any college? Lots of places, including but not limited to the College Board’s web site, collect this information. </p>

<p>But you can also go straight to the source if you google the name of the college you’re interested in together with the phrase “common data set.” Find the most recently published common data set for your college of interest, and look at Section C, which compiles information about the applicant pool for the most recently enrolled freshman class.</p>