Do I have a good chance?

<p>I am a senior at a Northern Virginia high school. Virginia Tech is my first choice for college. I plan on applying as a PolSci major, if that makes a difference. I am also applying to GWU, Mason, JMU, and W&M.</p>

White Male
3.72 GPA
Class Rank 56/326
2010 SAT (710 CR, 610 M, 690 W)
690 on SAT II US History
660 on SAT II Literature
Mother attended VT and my brother is a 2nd year student</p>

4 on APUSH
4 on AP World
5 on Psych
Taking 5 APs this year: German, Calculus AB, Gov, Econ, Lit</p>

German Honor Society
Virginia Mathematics League,
Jazz Band and Orchestra
Marching Band
German Club.
I also attended a prestigious legal camp during the summer (only 26 students were selected out of 2 counties). In addition, I was selected to participate in a German Exchange program in which I lived with a German family for 3 weeks and attended school there.
Over 100+ Hours of community service</p>


<p>You should be good, especially as a PoliSci major. Low math SAT, but it really doesn’t matter for your major as much as an engineering or real science major…</p>

<p>Ich denke auch, dass Du aufgenommen wirst … allein schon aufgrund Deiner Noten sollte dies kein Problem sein, dazu kommt noch, dass Du “legacy” hast!</p>

<p>I guess you have no problem reading/understanding this … :-)</p>