Do I have the only student in the whole school who isn't excited about football?

<p>I am so excited for my D to experience game day. I know that she plans on going to the first game, but I’m not sure she’ll go to any after that. Do a lot of students go to the tailgate party that the Honors College has before the game? I am hoping that she’ll go to the game and become a huge Bama fan!</p>

<p>My son did not even sign up for lottery tickets to this game. Said he thought he would be too busy with homework!! Last weekend, he watched the game on TV with his roommates, did not go to any of the on campus gatherings. </p>

<p>So no, I don’t think that you are the only one. I am actually looking forward to him attending the first game he has tickets to on 9/22 because I think he will be more “into” football after experiencing the on campus hoopla.</p>

<p>Been there … until… we received that first text from the first game …</p>

<p>“THIS IS AWESOME!!!” </p>

<p>Year 3 and there are now UA football commentaries on his Facebook. Still not a big overall football fan but got to love the atmosphere.</p>

<p>Son just asked if game was today or tomorrow - so no, not the only one. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My S is not interested either. I am hoping he will at least tailgate with the Honors College - but not keeping my fingers crossed. I anticipate he will be playing video games instead. (ugghh.)</p>

<p>So I guess you mom’s are resisting the urge to go and drag your kids by the ear to some of these events? </p>

<p>Same here.</p>

<p>they must be from the North b/c football is HUGE in the south whether you are at Alabama, GA, Ole Miss, Auburn etc…I went to a small girl’s school and still love Alabama football…Hopefully they will eventually get excited about it!</p>

<p>No, you are not the only one to have a son/daughter who is either “not interested” or “mildly interested” in football before they come to Bama. Will that change? Probably, even though they may not become avid fans of football, they will most likely be out there rooting for The Crimson Tide.</p>

<p>You will be surprised to find that most kids get into the spirit of the game once they enjoy their first home game. This weekend will be an exciting one on campus and the Honors College Tailgate should be lots of fun. I would try to encourage any student to get out of their dorm room and walk around the Quad and at least visit the tailgate. There are various food vendors to try and it is a good way to spend an afternoon. In my opinion, it is better than video games and a great way to meet people. Heck, it is probably one of the best ways to meet people.</p>

<p>My son had me buy him tickets his freshman year, as he figured he would go. If he did not like it, he would find other things to do. Things do change. Now, it is painful if he needs to miss a game for another reason (and it is never to do homework or a paper). He has gone to tailgate events all over the SEC. Went to the season opener in Dallas. Even has talked about attending the National Championship game this year.</p>

<p>So, it does not take too long for SEC football to become part of one’s life. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>The thing is…even if you don’t “like” football, attending a home game is an experience…the music, the dancing, the band, the signing, the baton twirlers, etc…it’s all a big show experience.</p>

<p>My guess is whether they become excited about football or not, they will end up excited about the “social event” of game week/day in T-Town… </p>

<p>While there will be excitement for this game - wait until the Autumn colors hit, there is some coolness in the air, and a different opponent comes to town – Great atmoshere.</p>

<p>Winning doesn’t hurt either</p>

<p>Oh hey…didn’t know about the food vendors. That should get my son away from the video games.</p>

<p>I met a Chinese kid in my class who just moved here and doesn’t speak English very well. he doesn’t know what football is…</p>

<p>Take him to the game…or at least the Quad! And walk around at night, too. Lots of parties going on. Who knows - maybe some tailgating alums/parents/fans will take pity on poor, hungry-looking college students!</p>

<p>Actually there are plenty of students who aren’t interested or find the traffic and whole thing annoying. You just don’t ever hear from them.</p>

<p>linnylu, I fully expected my D to not be interested in football. She claimed she wouldn’t but the excitement has already taken hold. Hopefully your D will go to the honors tailgate and the game. I would think the people-watching would be entertaining in itself!</p>

<p>Maybe this isn’t pertinent…my only ability to relate to any of these posts is:</p>

<p>I don’t care for “band”. However, I appreciate the time, effort and countless hours the members dedicate to something they love. I “make” myself watch the performance during halftime or whatever. I’m NEVER disappointed and happy that I “experienced” it.
I guess what I’m saying is, that it’s about something beyond yourself. Respect it for what it is. Enjoy the moment for the opportunity to experience something that you necessarily don’t think that you will appreciate. Your attitude determines the memory, not the game, not the performance, not the fans but your attitude and willingness to step out of your comfort zone. Smiling through thick and thin goes a LONG way!
FYI, the Honors College will have a decent tailgate but please do not be naive thinking that “standing” at a tailgate (wherever it may be) is going to automatically make you feel a part of something. Actively engaging is the key. Unless you’re at a tailgate with NJ, Casino, etc, you rarely talk football.
My student is most excited about wearing her new game day dress, having lunch with friends, tailgating at her “date’s” house, and hearing Dixieland Delight played at the stadium. A song that she has been studying for 2 weeks to learn the words, haha. It’s a song that she has rarely heard, or any other Alabama song for that matter. My point is she has NO CLUE about football, the names of the athletes, their opponent, or how many downs are in a possession.</p>

<p>My DS had to go to HS football games and basket ball games because he was in band. The band director made them pay attention to the game (no texting, phone calls, etc.). When DS decided to attend Bama, his father was extremely excited about SEC sports. Son insists that he hates sports and is going to Bama for a good education. However, this kid loves to cook and enjoys music so I think he’s going to appreciate the social part of Bama Football with tailgating, the Million Dollar Band, sitting in the student section, etc.</p>

<p>One of the things in the “minus” column about UA for D2 is football (I know, Blasphemy!) She’s been to two games in Bryant Denny; first one she looked at me and said “I guess you should explain what a down is.” She hasn’t been to a football game in HS yet, but will reluctantly go to one this year, only because a large part of her crew is in band & she’d like to see one of their halftime shows before they all go their separate ways. The idea of dressing up & wearing a dress to a game is crazy to her (actually wearing a dress to anything is; practically had to bribe her to wear one to Confirmation & she’s already balking about wearing one to graduation!) If only I could move Miami of Ohio’s hockey team to UA…</p>

<p>Now lest you think DH & I haven’t exposed her to things correctly, the child has been brought up in a house where both parents have fantasy football teams, and D1 is all about game day. If UA does end up being where D2 lands, she will happily & fully support the baseball & softball teams, but may never go to a football game. And that’s fine. Different strokes for different folks.</p>

<p>Question - does everyone dress up/wear dresses to the games? I was looking at some pics and it looked kind of mixed, but I feel like I have read a lot about game day dresses. Do boys dress up too? My S loves football, but would not love having to get dressed up for games!</p>

<p>DS knew nothing about football before he arrived at UA. He likes it now, but I wouldn’t call him a fanatic or anything. He really likes it when UA wins, but that’s pretty much all the time, isn’t it?</p>