Do they give special exceptions on math placement?

I have a 27 on the ACT math and was placed in 112 by the placement exam. I want to do 115 because I took the equivalent to 112 my sophomore year and had a 97.I am an Econ major that want’s to go into the math side of things so I’d rather do 115 then 125 as opposed to 112 then 121. I haven’t had math in over a year as I skipped calculus so my math memory was very rusty, but I can do the 115 fine if I just get a refresher. Will they let me do 115?

There is a placement test online that I believe you can take. I’m trying to find the link but not having any luck. Maybe someone else will chime in and give you the link. Best of luck!

Go to “MyBama”, “Academics tab”, down the left hand side of page “Testing Services”, “Math Assessment”

I took the assesment and was put into 112, but I’m positive I can do 115. If I have to I’ll do 112 online and 115 freshmen year.

I don’t know the answer to your question, but I would start by contacting someone in advising at Culverhouse. Dr. David Heggem is the head of advising, and in my experience he is quick to answer e-mails. Do you know your actual math placement test score and how close were you to getting the required 380? I don’t think you can get credit for both 112 and 115 (115 is basically both 112 and 113, taught on a more accelerated basis).

For engineering’s Calc placement, the system defaults students to take Calc 1 regardless of their placement test score, until their AP scores are sent in, etc, so perhaps the other math placement does the same (defaults to a certain class until overrides are given)?

If you took the assessment, then you know that there are exercises to develop/restore skills that your assessment showed needed reinforcement. You can (I believe) take the assessment again, after building up those skills. Likely your skills were rusty when you took the assessment, and like my DS, you didn’t bother with the lesson module before jumping right into the test.

Remember, the assessment is for your benefit- Alabama wants you to succeed in your math sequence. If you are confident of your skills, go do the exercises, refresh your memory and then retake the assessment. But don’t look at the exercises as lessons- just a refresher. It’s best for the assessment to be a good measure of your baseline skills. You will be expected to know the stuff you test out of in the next course.

Good luck!

@aeromom FWIW I sent in my transcripts and AP credit to UA in October and it still defaults to Math 125 (Calc I) and does not change. I think it’s just the highest “placement” until you talk to an actual adviser at BB.

^^ It will not change from Math 125. That is the highest placement, but if you’ve already taken it or have AP credit for it, you can obviously move on.