<p>Or just get a relatively high score on the SAT/PSAT and do well in other areas. (Like academics and leadership)</p>
<p>you definitely don't have to be National Merit to get in, or have exceptionally high test scores. </p>
<p>i got in with a PSAT of 181, with three sports, some leadership positions, and some volunteer work.</p>
<p>USMA really wants that well rounded student</p>
<p>You don't find out that you are a NMS until spring of your senior year....so no.</p>
<p>Strong PSAT's plus leadership/athletics will do it.</p>
<p>Thanks, I'll work my hardest to get in. (:</p>
<p>I was told be the admissions office that they only accepted candidates with 180+. I would work for at least a 180 on the PSAT if you want to be accepted into SS. </p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>