Do you need geometry for Calc

Hello, I’m a rising Sophomore and will be taking Calc BC as my Sophomore math class, Im transfering schools and because of the various elementary schools I attended I never took geometry. I’m strong at math and like to go through textbooks/workbooks for fun although their mostly for computer science/discrete math. Im currently taking pre calc this summer and am doing fine in it, my current grade is a 96. I’ve heard various thoughts from people on whether or not I should wait a year for calc and take geometry as a sophomore. The Precalc class im taking is part of John Hopkins CTY and is self paced. As such I am on track to finish it in a month where I will be given 2 months, July and August to take whatever class I wanted form them that they offer. My original plan was to either start Calc to make it easier for me when I take it in school or to take chemistry. I want to know if you guys think geometry is worth taking and if so should I take it over the summer when I am done pre calc or should I take it in school as my sophomore class, thanks.
I’ll leave a link to the syllabus for pre calc below: Just press the List of topics tab

Maybe not so much for calculus, but you really need geometry to do well on the PSAT, SAT and ACT.

You don’t need it for Calc, but some colleges want to see it on your transcript anyway. If you are in CA it’s required.

@elodyCOH would studying PSAT practice books be able to get me up to speed on geometry or do you think a full class is best

@Pagaley12 In my state you could not receive your high school diploma without the full geometry class. You might want to check graduation requirements in yours to make sure you can get it completed during high school. Waiting to take geometry later might be more awkward for you, as most of the kids in that class will be freshman or sophomores.

PSAT Math contains about 30-35% geometry. It might be a good idea to get a good, solid background for it. Is there any chance you could do the calculus class at school, and an online or self-study course in geometry at the same time? Depends on how heavy the rest of your schedule is.

The only thing from geometry that’s in Calc is trig, and geometry only provides a very basic understanding, and the trig necessary was probably incorporated into your Alg2 or PreCalc class. Though, as someone else stated, geometry is necessary to know for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. I always feel that there is a good portion of geometry in it, so I think you should at least look over it on Khan Academy or something.

Thanks for the feedback, Ill probably just see if I can borrow a textbook and possible the notes from the geometry teacher at my school and go over the material that way sometime during the school year.