<p>Ok so for freshmen year and sophomore 1st semester I've been a little bit of a slacker and freshmen year I got a 3.8 unweighted, and this semester I averaged a 3.4 gpa unweighted because I got a C+ in chemistry honors, and a B+ in alg2/trig. Does this ruin my chances of getting into Princeton? I plan to take 5 AP's and a honor class next year and I know im capable of getting straight A's. Assuming my SAT scores around 2100 and my extracurricular is pretty good(I play golf varisty since freshmen year+Eagle Scout+President of Club, leader of youth group and more) and I 750+ on Math II, Chem, Bio, US History, what are my chances?
Sorry if I went on and on its just really unnerving :/</p>