<p>I got a C+ in chemistry honors this semester (weighted course)
Does this ruin my chances of getting into Princeton?
Freshmen Year 3.8 unweighted
Junior Year plan to take 5 Ap's and 1 honor (assume I get all A's)
Extracurricular (Eagle Scout, President of Malaria Awareness Club at school, Treasurer of Asha Club, I attend YCS and Key Club, Leader of youth group, Gold award in venture scouting, bronze presidential award, Varsity Golf since freshmen year)
Can I still have a shot at Princeton if I get all A's this semester
SAT: 2100+
SAT II : Chem, Bio, USH, Math II all 750+</p>
<p>Princeton, like every other top-tier school looks at the overall picture of an applicant. </p>
<p>A C+ will hurt you overall picture but will not disqualify you from Princeton.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t be hoping too much for HYPS if I were you. Sorry to be a downer.</p>
<p>^Why not???</p>
<p>B’s hurt. C’s hurt a lot. Applicant has no hook and mediocre test scores/GPA/ECs. Best thing on there is varsity golf since freshman year and Eagle Scout - possible to get recruited for golf? Only way I see OP getting into HYP. Stanford recruits probably some pretty amazing golfers so that’s a long shot. My opinion is contingent on OP being a current junior, which I’m not sure he/she is.</p>
<p>Sounds like he’s a Sophomore from “Junior Year plan to take 5 Ap’s and 1 honor”</p>
<p>I’d say you’ve still got a chance, you have two years to wow them, just take advantage of them!</p>
<p>In no way are 2100 and 750+ test scores mediocre. While the median may be somewhat higher than those at the Ivys, there are plenty of kids who would kill for scores like that (which appear to be hypothetical at this point).</p>
<p>You have 2 years bro, the C+ in no ways will disqualify you. Focus on your EC’s and unique characteristics. Give yourself a defining feature to stand out with</p>